Quest for True Knowledge is the Freedom of the Immutable Self : Another Brick in the Walls II and the Dickensian Humor in Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens, Monalisa 2012

Charles Dickens, Monalisa, 2012

Charles Dickens, Monalisa, 2012


(Another Brick in the Wall Part II/Pink Floyd/Roger Waters/1979)

Another Brick in the Wall Part II: The Psychoanalytic Domain of Man

Another Brick in the Wall Part II: The Psychoanalytic Domain of Man


“Please sir, I want some more”.

Lines reverberate with the passion of the inner flame of intuitive imagination

But man is too distant from another man

He cannot hear the call nor can he know the wisdom immaculate

He is a prisoner in his own mind fighting at odds end the life

Strings are dancing like time talking to the self

Lost innocence of the humming bees churn the ocean from its vault

Magnificent paradise are lit with the inner glow of the child

He is the thinking man’s rationale of truth

A ray of the sun on the vertebrae of matter

The spirit must come forth and hold its destiny

Or there is no need to repeat the mantric lines

You are, therefore, forever like a bud of the inviolate rhythm of the flower

Watching from a point outside this creation

Falsehood falls when light pierces the strange doctrine of equality in things

Neither I want nor I will, but bless you all so you may find the peace.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens