Synchronicity with ‘The Truth Within’: Understanding the ‘Mahanaam’ Mantric-Vehicle and the Dialogue with the Guru Residing in the Heart

Sri Sri Ram Thakur (Sri Sri Satyanarayan)

                  Sri Sri Ram Thakur (Sri Sri Satyanarayan)

‘When the full heart of Love is tranquilized by knowledge into a calm ecstasy and vibrates with strength,when the strong hands of Power labour for the world in a radiant fullness of joy and light, when the luminous brain of knowledge accepts and transforms the heart’s obscure inspirations and lends itself to the workings of the high-seated Will, when all these gods are founded together on a soul of sacrifice that lives in unity with all the world and accepts all things to transmute them, then is the condition of man’s integral self-transcendence. This and not a haughty, strong and brilliant egoistic self-culture enthroning itself upon an enslaved humanity is the divine way of supermanhood’ – Sri Aurobindo

The Truth Within on Dadaji /Sri Amiya Roy Choudhury

The Truth Within on Dadaji /Sri Amiya Roy Choudhury

Carl Gustav Jung used the term ‘synchronicity’ to describe what he called “temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events”. He used a line from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Through the Looking-Glass’ where the White Queen says to Alice

“It’s a poor sort of memory that only, works backwards”. 

sri caitanya and maha-kali

Prati ti pushper spandane

Akash batash nakhatre

Barshane, suryer taposhe

Chandra konay

Himalayas with Setting Moon Nicholas Roerich

Himalayas with Setting Moon Nicholas Roerich

Pahari upotakyay

Marubhumir sushko bayu mandale

Bikoshito haay MAHANAAM

A spontaneous energy generating Life-force

Rhythms that are manifested patterns

Seeds the earth

Flowers of anointed fragrance and colours

Satyen Bose and Albert Einstein

           Satyen Bose and Albert Einstein

Causally linked to the Original Mind

Bestowing blessings

A sweet incantatory spell

In nature’s electric drama

Puts forth the Truth

In actions that are thus entangled with

The origin in the heart

The soul vibration across all interfaces

That sums up the cosmic principle of the Divine

Man besets his search for the Absolute

To be near to that Light

That feeds his anatomic mobility

A silent rapture of infinite strength

Patiently modulating



An evolutional journey

Time has relapsed in a boundless ocean

There are no measurements here

The Will is the key driver

It has coded everything

In a mantric-vehicle

To that Thou shall offer

All your songs

And become the melody of the universe.
