The Freedom We Seek in the Parable of Truth

If I close my eyes I see the world

Like in a dream

Mountains and rivers

Forests in early spring

The autumn clouds gliding past in a sky we call freedom where birds fly and breezes that comb the back of a sun

How wonderful

When I open my eyes I see them all

Aging and waning

Weeping in the frail evening light

The candle burns for an hour and dies

Those who dared to speak the truth

Are cast away and time erodes the path they left

And those who lied in the name of god their pride ebullient like a drop administers the thing they called love

How wonderful

I have slept eons under the shade

Have been to the distant stars May be its

Time to say goodbye to friends I have gathered together in a raft

Hello, I say to the river birds

Hello, to the new light of dawn May the cow in the disc of the sun will write it down with her own tears One day it

Will be sung in courtyards and palaces And I am no more

I am…..

The Ganges at Dawn, Varanasi

The nudeness of form is the void itself
A terrible terror in the face of beauty
Where light disappears into an eternal crevice
And the flesh and the bones,
The rivers of blood are swept away by a somnambulist whirl
That wakes or dreams into a sleep of a timeless witness
Are you then tired my son?
Are you tired of mornings when the sirens sing ?
Are you tired of falling into the abyss of a lazy afternoon that opens doors to myriads of experiences
Are you tired seeing the sun dip across the horizon?.
Do you look into the nights of wonder, stars filled with atomic explosions?
Every now then, you slip into the maelstrom
And you are lost for a second
The flower droops
The cascades run dry…
The magic lantern in the eyes of Orion
Stops burning for awhile….
What you do and don’t
Call your friend pass your sighs
Breathe in or out….
Look into the very space where birth and death are mere phenomenas
And you make cities with gold
Sparkle like diamonds
The towers reaching the heaven of your thoughts
And your flying machines drop balls of fire
And burn and churn
Everything that’s beneath your feet
And toys roll on ….
None to play with….
You shed a tear
Wipe it clean
The slate is now for you to write
Another story on an another day?
When the grasping breath collides with the raven’s claws and feathers?
You turn around,
And you never look back
They are all lying in the fields
Waiting to be sown again…