Paul Gauguin’s The Seed of Areoi (1892): A Higher Bodhi Embodiment of the Radiant Phalanxes of the Sun

The Seed of Areoi, 1892,  Paul Gauguin (French 1848-1903), MoMA: Mesuem of Modern Art, NY

Consciousness-Analogue: The Seed of Areoi

The colonial arcades banished the dream

Art sprang from the five senses of the Spirit

That ever revolute ensphering beauty’s occult lines

Each hemisphere allocates a design, a diagram

A pattern inborn from the self-dissolution of the cosmic force

Bridal and creative it projects itself into the surrounding space

In colored lines or in diamond flakes of the crystal sound

The rim of the letters are edged in gold

A conscious chanting was an essential prayer

It unraveled the secrets of an ancient race

Something that lost its own sense of wonder and awe

Because the riddle was unlocked for such a long time

It’s the pressure of a new advent that unwind the soul

The Surya-Devas manifest in beings

Inanimate felt the sudden touch of the mother’s conscious force

As if the inconscient was teased out from its colonized captivity

Incarceration was a dead old chapter

New action has triggered the foundation of peace

A new race stands affirm like pillars in burning gold

Their consciousness their guiding force, their love their sacred hearts

A musical overflow ran into every leaf, bole, nectar and nest

Substance not unveiled was responding to her call

Like a bird that hears the call of a mating song bird

Like a soul that passes through the arches of time to embrace it’s longing soul

A festival ran riot not in the profuse vision of a film or art

But in every matter’s subatomic domain

A wave surged itself into the ocean of infinity

Trinetra expressed itself through every gate of  the new consciousness

And the Will took the command from the man to Superman.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Notes: Surya-Devas refers to the Sun God (Apollo) and it can widen to include vedic solar deities as well.

Trinetra: It is the vertical eye, the front eye of Lord Shiva usually designated as the eye of fire (agni) for the  perception of higher consciousness.  It can also mean self-intuitive faculties and higher yogic reflexes used in the process of creational cognition and self-dissolution of the senses when required.

Superman: A term coined by Neitzsche but used experientially by Sri Aurobindo in his Integral Yoga.  ” Supermind is superman; therefore to rise beyond mind is the condition.  To be the superman is to live the divine life, to be a god; for the gods are the powers of God. Be a power of God in humanity.  To live in the divine Being and let the consciousness and bliss, the will and knowledge of the Spirit possess thee and play with thee and through thee, this is the meaning.  This is the transfiguration of thyself on the mountain. It is to discover God in thyself and reveal him to thyself in all things. Live in his being, shine with his light, act with his power, rejoice with his bliss. Be that Fire and that Sun and that Ocean. Be that joy and that greatness and that beauty.  When thou hast done this even in part, thou hast attained to the first steps of supermanhood”. – Sri Aurobindo in the 1st section of The Hour of God (The Divine Superman, 1918)

1st Jan, 1969, The Mother experienced the descent of Superman Consciousness in herself.  In her words what followed:  ‘A golden light, transparent and… benevolent. “Benevolent” in the sense of a certainty – a harmonious certainty…. It gave the impression of a personal divinity who comes to help….’.

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  1. Nilanjan Chatterjee

     /  June 14, 2011

    Beauty’s Occult lins are clearly visible.
    The word “Areoi” is interesting.It contains
    all the vowels except *u*!
    Is it a name for a place ?
    Then what “seed-of-areoi” mean ??
    Btw. By Gematria I see…

    AREOI = 48

    I associate two other words to this:

    (1) YOGA = 48
    (2) SEX = 48

    So, “Seed-of-Areoi” could either mean
    “Seed-of-Sex” or “Seed-of- Yoga” !

    • Its the seed of yoga that carries the ‘radiant phalanxes of the sun’ its a supramental seed which is now involuted in the cells of the body, the union is a metaphor for the actual alchemy of the consciousness that will release the new bodhi embodiment of a new race. A conscious chanting is an essential prayer – OM NAMO BHAGAVATE, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE…

      Its an experiential thing it can happen in a single body (the union of consciousness), it might need two bodies as well – all depends on the evolutionary scale that fits with a certain individual and the cosmic design he is to embody or manifest with the Divine Will. (or we say ‘Seer Will’)


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