“5 & 1” Exhibition Space: Featuring New Art Movement based on Witnessing Consciousness

“5 & 1” Exhibition Space: Featuring New Art Movement based on Witnessing Consciousness. I will showcase new art fortnightly here, five artworks which would be in a series either on Music, Art, Mythology, Poetry, Ecology, Spirituality, Folk, Cinema, Theatre, Philosophy with a headlining act which would different from the series showcased. Size, medium and other details will be provided, for anyone interested to purchase. For further details, you can contact at joyr.choudhury@gmail.com (unsolicited emails will not answered, please be patient as there are many requirements for the same artwork, and, at this point due to time constraints I will not be able to repeat one that is already booked or purchased.

Woman in Paris, 1930/A4 acid free paper/Mixed Media (Charcoal and wood pencil)/2024
Picasso and Baobabs/A4 Paper/Mixed Media (Charcoal and pencils)/2024
Of Birds, Matisse and Songs/A4 Paper/Mixed Media/2024
Woman Reading/A4 paper/Mixed Media (Charcoal and pencils)/2024

Teapots, White Clouds and Andre Breton/A4 Acid Free Paper/Mixed Media/2024

Shiva and Mother Annapurna/A4 Paper/Charcoal and Colour Pencils/2024

The next exhibition will be exactly after 2 weeks. Enjoy the show!

– Joy Roy Choudhury, International Communication Consultant, PR & Media Outreach, Consciousness Researcher, Writer, Artist and Musician.

Retro causality and the Advanced and Retarded Wave Junction: TS Eliot, Jim Morrison and Joni Mitchell

Mahakala in Time and Transcending Time: Biswarup Darshan and Purushottam Yoga

Mahakal, JRC 2024
Sita Hands Hanumanji Jewel for Rama, JRC 2024
Birth of Ganges, JRC, 2024
Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull, JRC, 2024
Dun Ringill, JRC (Jethro Tull song)

#Advaitavedanta Alblackica Alblackica Consciousness Art Atman Awareness Bengal Bon Brahman Buddha Chintamani Stone Christ Consciousness Dark Energy Divine Mother Gyan-Ganj Higgs Field Hyperspace India Jim Morrison Kalki Avatar Lahiri Mahasaya Maha-Avatar Babaji Maharaj Mahakal Micro-Gravity Mirra Alfassa Music Nicholas Roerich Olmo-Lung-Ring Quantum Consciousness Quantum Entanglement Quantum Reality Retrocausality Savitri Shambhala Sirius Spirituality Sri Aurobindo Sri Krishna Supermind Supramental The Doors Tibet Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy Zen

The Sarbari Roy Chowdhury Festival of Music 2024: A Tribute by Various Musicians on his 91st Birth Anniversary

Sarbari Roy Chowdhury, the great sculptor whose works married the academic sensibility and realism of classical eastern or oriental art forms , with the modern abstraction and cubism of the west, whose interest in classical music poured directly into his works, as if the stone, clay or wood are entangled with the frequencies of music, not just as a idea or thought but supra-physically in a deeper sense, an introspection which is the fundamental bedrock of the creative artistic process, for a musician, painter or poet, in his his own words resembles a process of transformation of pain into ecstasy, a superconscient that hibernated in the depths of the human subconscious, in his own words “an artist must live on the edge of that anguish at all times to render it in his creation”, a crowning line that very much became the sustainable ethos of this esteemed music festival as a tribute to his birth anniversary. Musician from everywhere, new and old, well established and those who are looking to make their mark are all welcome, in a platform where artists manage the program, the promotion, the funds, and, almost everything required to host such an event where famous musicians like Pandit Krishna Bhatt, Pandit Abhijit Banerjee Abhik Mukherjee, David Trasoff, Ehren Hansen were the sharing the stage with other local musicians and artists. “All in such a short notice, the Durga Bari, a historical place is where musicians can collaborate, express themselves, a camaraderie which my father was so enthused about, a tradition I and my brother, trying live up to, with helping hands from various friends and artists, in India and abroad” said his son, Sougata Roy Chowdhury, himself an established sarid player. On display were rare photographs taken at Sarbari Roy Chowdhury’s residence of musicians including Pandit Ravi Shankar, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Siddheswari Devi, Mallikarjun Mansur and many other legendary musicians.

With famous Sitarist Abhik Mukherjee, New York
SRC with Ravi Shankar at his studio

Sarbari Roy Chowdhury’s interest in music and his friendship with musicians is uncompromisingly a definitive feature of his artistic works which he says the visual forms of music embedded in stone and clay – the sculpturliness of music which is often not understood at the surface level of things as they are. A subjective awareness, a flash of spiritual insight, was common among all legendary musicians in India, whom he adored, it was also prevalent among, Western artists, like Rodin (The Thinking Man), Giacometti and Henry Moore and others. In fact, Florence, the city of artists, and art, became the meeting point of Sarbari Roy Chowdhury, Henri Moore and Giacometti in 1962.

To encapsulate this music festival, we have to turn back again to his words where he describes the pain associated with creation which he strived to express and preserve in his work- “pain like music, touches the soul and the heart and transforms an intellectual perception into an experience” – words that resonate with Sri Dilip Kumar Roy conversations with Romain Rolland in the early 20th century at Lucerne, where Rolland said that an artist must suffer like a Christ figure, that only differentiates from mundane lives, Tolstoy, Rembrandt, Beethoven are great examples of it.

-Joy Roy Choudhury

Take a Pause and Lift Yourself from this Mundane Story: If you have the Will you will Find A Way

It is what it is
After the waves that broke into the lands
The sea is calm again
Amulets of the moon gravitate towards heavy stars
Midnight echoes the dawn’s dewy wine
Fractal flames of the scattered sun
Commune with melting words, clocks
Soon it would look like a lemon tart
Scooped out of eternity
Like a yellow Submarine
Where the dead man lives
In the young
The blood green like ancient grass
After the ice ages
Grows into woods
Where sages lived with their herdsmen and canaries
One dark cloud and the storm brought us here
In the whirlwind I found those words
The black widow spider’s net worth in golds
Tapping poison for sun’s nectar
Wise after many holocausts and the dreaded dreams
It is what it is
A pointless question hangs from a tree
Or drowns like posideon
And missed the strength of a life force
That cannot be fulfilled by Euler or Fermi

Shiva and Parvati, Artwork JRC 2024
Gita Jayanti 2024
Jagatguru Shankaracharya, Govardhan Math Puri on his way Ganga Sagar, Bengal

Jagatguru Shankaracharya, Govardhan Math, Puri

Take a Pause and Lift Yourself from this Mundane Story: If you have the Will you will Find A Way

It is what it is
After the waves that broke into the lands
The sea is calm again
Amulets of the moon gravitate towards heavy stars
Midnight echoes the dawn’s dewy wine
Fractal flames of the scattered sun
Commune with melting words, clocks
Soon it would look like a lemon tart
Scooped out of eternity
Like a yellow Submarine
Where the dead man lives
In the young
The blood green like ancient grass
After the ice ages
Grows into woods
Where sages lived with their herdsmen and canaries
One dark cloud and the storm brought us here
In the whirlwind I found those words
The black widow spider’s net worth in golds
Tapping poison for sun’s nectar
Wise after many holocausts and the dreaded dreams
It is what it is
A pointless question hangs from a tree
Or drowns like posideon
And missed the strength of a life force
That cannot be fulfilled by Euler or Fermi

Shiva and Parvati, Artwork JRC 2024
Gita Jayanti 2024
Jagatguru Shankaracharya, Govardhan Math Puri on his way Ganga Sagar, Bengal

Jagatguru Shankaracharya, Govardhan Math, Puri

The Maiden/Virgin with the Unicorn: The Analytical Vector of the Shiva Tattva

Being-Awareness is Param Shiva, it’s undifferentiated from its energy or Shakti – the Para Shakti in its unmanifest reality is pure consciousness without any trace of gender because dissolutions of forms and space time has taken place. The maiden is Tripura Sundari, Lalita, the moon is associated with it, she is the Sri Yantra – the genesis of cosmic evolutionary manifestation in its interdimensional geometric formation (hyperspace quantum optics) The Unicorn is the symbol of the psyche, the pure mind, untainted, therefore, reflects the Atman/Brahman (reverse engineering). The Unicorn is not a mythical creature, there exists these creatures in hyperdimensional mode, they were on earth in the past, the Renaissance paintings embody them, and, the origins in Haarrapa seals are evidential archeological evidence of it, they are not just poetic metaphor for the whole mind, but, it can be deciphered that way.

The Maiden, Unicorn and Param Shiva
Reworking on da Vinci’s Maiden and the Unicorn, JRC

The Virgin and the Unicorn Series: from da Vinci to Parisian Tapestry (1500) to Gerard Munthe.

For exhibitions in Paris and Lucerne and London get in touch with us. I will keep adding to the Series titled “The Maiden and the Unicorn” juxtaposing different lines and symbolical understanding from the Puranas, the Upanishads, European Art history, gnosticism and modern consciousness studies. Thank you for your support.

Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti: May the World be bestowed with Peace and Tranquility

“Owing to ignorance of the rope, the rope appears to be a snake; owing to ignorance of the self the transient state arises of the individualized, limited, phenomenal aspect of the self.” – Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak, JRC, 2023

From Guru Nanak to Victor Hugo: It may sound strange, but, I assure it is not. Art from the unconscious is deeply symbolical and it’s connected with our own process of Self-Enquiry. The process streams with consciousness, reflected consciousness, once the mirror is polished then IT shines through and makes experience possible. From duality to non-duality and back to the marketplace (turia state or Zen’s last state in Oxherding plates), the quest is possible if there’s “Ishwarah Anugraha” (citation Guru Gita 1st sloka) – without the grace, it’s not possible simply by effort 🙏.

Cosmic Charlie, art music rendition, JRC (original Grateful Dead song)

We are so much obsessed with Victor Hugo, the writer, the poet, the scathing social injustice author of the classic Les Miserables (1862), that, we have overlooked a great fact, which is nonetheless, cited by none other than Andre Breton as automatic drawing. Hugo’s intuitive experimentation in art is a secret that needs to be well acclaimed by people, he produced almost 4000 drawings, most of them not meant to be shown in public. Automatic writing or drawing – which the surrealists drawn upon in their work, is all about using the hand to do what it wants to rather than preemptive cognitive decisions that govern our thinking process. Like Hugo didn’t know what he would do on a Friday evening with a roll of paper and ink blots. ….yes, he cared not to know, in a Zen way, one shouldn’t let the right arm know the release time/moment of the shooting of the arrow. Difficult, but,  can be done…there are many examples of that all over and specially in spritual poetry or psychic art. Also same in music by the way…..I don’t think Bob Dylan knows exactly where he would put an end to his lyrics, he has a pattern for the verse but not every word is consciously chosen.

Re-Imaging Victor Hugo Landscape, JRC, 2023

Ink and a quill
Both the nib and feather
Far away your setting sun, the Other
You may choose to run
beyond the horizon
And end up near your favourite apple tree…. (Something like this…!)

What is a free flowing communication that doesn’t get bogged down by preset interference pattern? That’s in reality was part of 19th Century spiritualism – Breton already said that Hugo was the forerunner of Surrealism, he was playing with chance any allowing it to evoke unforseen forces responding to the free-flowing communication that was part of nineteenth-century Spiritualism. Hugo attended séances during his exile, and actively kept a diary of dreams.

Then we have a dream world both in waking state and in dream state along with deep sleep mode. The waking dream seems apparently real, the dream state unreal, that’s our observation, and, we almost have no query about deep sleep mode. Well it’s time to ssk Wahi Guru !!!! Yes, Today….(3 interconnected words and I won’t say more Guru-Govind-Granth) and there is only non-dual consciousness – it doesn’t need to pervade any space time like an incense stick….because fundamentally matter energy and space time are all in it…..

What a beautiful day!

2 artworks – Guru Nanak and A dreamy Landscape from rare collections of Victor Hugo paintings edited by Stefanie Heraeus, translated by Deborah Laurie Cohen ( History Workshop Journal)*that was lying in my desk adding soot to my psyche.

Someday will discuss whats the connection with Vajrayana! And thanks to Sarvapriyananda ji and Guru Ji for making things as clear as a crystal. With little help from Divine Mother!


The Interweaving of the Dance of Consciousness in the Para-Vak of Supreme Destiny Through Images Appearing as Quantized Perturbations…

To dream is not to lose sight of reality

To dream is to make the drama real

Broken chalice, urns, and crashed warplanes are scattered like ravens feathers heaped on to the burial of the dead

And toys that roll down the ground, unstitched buttons, shards of broken mirror, yellow blue crayons –

all that consume silence and alarms

And far away tolling bells …

The gipsy flowers of a maidenless paradise, they may dream the real unsung song of songs

That day may the conch shell fill the air with amor dei for the human race

When the vapors arise and fall, when the smoke has cleared the daw, born from the calf’s tears at the sight of this horror, horror…(Mistah Kurz – he dead. /Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness)

3 artworks recently done. For exhibitions in Europe pls get in touch at joyr.choudhury@gmail.com or Mr Jeff Ross at London at jeffmross@aol.com Comments from around the 🌎 world on the Art-Consciousness:

“Joy Roy Choudhury works in arts and science to promote a worldview that allows the unification of science and spirituality and offers a new way of looking at life and the universe, I really appreciate this art project based on consciousness and think this is a new art movement that will be across Europe and Asia. ” – Dr. Ulisse Di Corpo, Author Research Specialist on Retrocausality, Statistics, QM and The Idea of Syntropy, Italy.

For more info on books by Dr. Ulisse Di Corpo and Dr. Antonella Vannini pls check
 www.sintropia.it, the English version is: www.sintropia.it/syntropy.htm and  http://www.sintropia.it/books.htm.

The Art of Offering Naivedya to Mother Lakshmi by a Ritualistic Surrender (Samarpan) of Optical Geometry of Beauty to the Eyes of the World

In the woodcut lithographs and serigraphs in the luminous moons of tetra-aeonic manuscripts, the pulsating pattern of her movement in poise, her dancing feet over icy waters, amazonites, corals, rubies and milkwood roses, strings the lyre’s ephemeral songs

They are sung in the orbs that dazzle in her celestial diadem and in the grasses that hung over blue bells or autumnal seeds

Gazing into the farthest stars and constellations

The Sagittarius in the reticulum of a night owl is the occult sacrifice of rice, grain and pulses They wave their hands to distant galaxies, to many other universes

The Song of Songs is crafted on the bark of a tree, in the Navajo mandalas, in the womb of the urn, in the clay pots that are painted with sparrows, barn owls, barley and wheat With pomegranates and flowers , the little humming bird talks to the rivers that are aspiring to meet the sea: the churning of it, in the glass-hours of dawn will repeat her birth in the meta-pollinating vessels of time over and over…- JRC (Future Poetry)

Comments on present art project: “I have been interacting with Joy and observing his art and the correlations he brings out almost spontaneously – the east and the west entwined in his works, the classical and the quantum world –

The landscape of world art is a network of a binary movement, expansion and contraction, that of causality and retrocausality. The collapse of the mant universal ensembles in the black wholes are portraits of the Krishna strings. The re-emergence of new Stellar nurseries from the white expanses of the inter-galactic infinite are the Sukla sutras.
Artists around the world have treaded between these greyscales and portrayed the scheme of an intervening vibjyor, the middle part, the visible universe.
What is the deep underbelly of realization of our Sages, the countless Rishis and Rishikas, is today the very focus of the Quantum and relativistic world, be it Quantum Physics or Quantum electrodynamics.
Under the apparent surfaces of decomposition and warfare, there is a rise of a powered tide, a new sutra, a new weaving (tantra) of another fresh and bigger Renaissance in the offing.

To that Golden Age we reciprocate with full hope of revival, recovery and resurrection.

Dr. Joy Sen
Professor IIT Kharagpur