Watch “The Non-Computational Being & Pure Awareness” on YouTube

This is a new channel dedicated to Future Poetry in a build up to Tantra Foundation (2023-2025) programs on Time As. A Changing Landscape” . If you like, pls subscribe to the channel link shared above.

With Swami Swamisarvapriyananda
From Jung’s Red Book
Chandogya Up, picture of Adi Guru Shankara
Starry Night, van Gogh painting circa 1888, post-impressionism, River Rhone in France
Sri Ramana Marshi, the Sage who was embodied silence itself, Santam, Shivam, Adwaitam

This is short consciousness analogue on the withering human proximity with nature and the complexity of our relationships which result from avidya (ignorance), of not knowing the Being-Awareness which we truly are, right here, right now. Swetaketu reference goes back to Chandogya Upanishad where he comes back after finishing his studies, and, accumulating vast resources of knowledge , almost in every subject from astronomy to mathematics and Sanskrit grammar etc. But when his father, Rishi Uddalaka Aruni asks by knowing what all knowledge gathering is possible, he gets startled, because, he was still thinking of knowledge acquisition as bits of information, let’s say in modern parlance, digital 🥪 crumbs which are neurobiologically stored as memory. We still are in the dark about which part of the brain stores information, or, is it just holographically present all over???? But back to the Upanishads, Swetaketu thinks that there’s no subject which would make all knowing possible, still, thinking in terms of objective knowledge entangled with the triad of knower, knowables, and the knowing or knowledge – it is classical vedanta the triputi of the generated experience. But his father was actually pointing him towards pure being-awareness which makes this epistemic process of knowing possible. So, we are in the realm of non-computability and beyond semiotics of language, into a much dreaded Wittgensteinian silence which we try to fend off, thinking or rather dismissing it as void or empty, and, overlooking the fullness of its beauty in the clear light …

When Man misses this self-enquiry, then the subconscious or the subliminal mind throws up causal chain of desires on the surface mind, prompting him to do, which otherwise, he would have ideally rejected. Intelligent or buddhi takes a back seat, and, it is all controlled by powerful avidya of not knowing the Being-Awareness…

van Gogh’s reference here is a filter to our cognitive decision making which is dominated, and conditioned by falsehood….because every object is an object and further reduced to a mere transactional exchange that lacks sobriety, and compassion….it reiterates that we have moved far away from the archetypes of beauty, love, nobility that had characterised the human sensibility on earth …so this writing is a way of creating a cognitive dissonance which is an entry requirement in a standard operational procedure for taking a quantum leap into the understanding of the ontology of the Self …

– JRC, Tantra Foundation

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