The Yoga of Divine Ananda is Based on Post-Observation ‘Real Values’ Connecting with ‘Future Observables’ using Enlightenment as a Supra-Cosmic Lens to See the Creation ( Anadi-Utsho-Kendro)

Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli

“Of all Yogins he who with all his inner self given up to Me, for Me has love and faith, sraddhavan bhajate, him I hold to be the most united with Me in Yoga”. – Essays on Gita, Nirvana and Works in the World – Sri Aurobindo

“All we can observe is their effect on other living people, whose spiritual level and whose personal unconscious crucially influence the way these contents actually manifest themselves”.- Wolfgang Pauli (from the book Atom and Archetype edited Carl Alfred Meier)

Mind Geometry Abstraction Space: Enlightenment is a kind of lens to see the universe – the creation. The mind must adjust its ophthalmic apparatus to do this – the yoga of contentment which mirrors post-scriptural design of the Samadhi state , a high concentration of energy creating its own field non-dual by interacting with the causal and retro-causal points by an act of observation.

Such a state of dynamic equipoise- ‘enontat’ in a multi-dimensional lattice is the silence above the works of Nature (beyond the gunas) directing the unmanifest energy to manifest for the welfare of the creation.

i-box rova luten ivotat

plasticity of words to absorb and converge                                     

Sri Ramana Maharshi and Paul Brunton

Sri Ramana Maharshi and Paul Brunton

bliss that can convert matter to supermatter or anti-matter

life’s essential elements in water

Pauli watches the hydrogen bond

Awakening the ‘buddhi’ in its primal seed

The night’s retro-causal action on the morning brings the golden day

The tree is the star substance it’s psychic body emits bio-photons B>b

Normalized according to the law of conservation

Prayers unify prayers

Thoughts touch feelings in an abstract vector space

Do they speak? Does nature converse?

Ecology of the deep mind graduating from the World Universities?

Are we learning? What are our projections?

In that hour, the hour cries and seconds are ticking away

The circle revolves and comes to a unitary static point    

Sri Kalipada Guha Roy

Sri Kalipada Guha Roy

What is after all that?

From Faith’s consulate Kierkegaard had a vision?

WHAT – Wrahol-Hatutat-Anadi-Trishna

In that whole desire the vision of para-prakiti came in to being

Then desire became a desireless dream

Of every wandering soul…

There is no goal

But learn the key process of evolution

One day you may master the art to perfect it

Knowledge is a string of vertices that has eigenvalues

Measurable and observable

Can experience be measured or felt? What are its eigenstates?

Nature’s impulses weave the mutable personality

To attain the impersonal godhead…

Alo Adharer Dakshina

Light is the penance of darkness

Mayabi rang

Dhong dhong

Prashner dui uttor /A quantum bit has 2 possible states

Question and Answer are 2 faces of the Brahman

Above all there is the Purushottama

Mind a cognitive device to evaluate the process of learning

There are sensors that mark the information input and output     

Sri Nolini Da/ Nolini Kanta Gupta Sketch by Mirra Alfassa/Divine Mother

Sri Nolini Da/ Nolini Kanta Gupta Sketch by Mirra Alfassa/Divine Mother

All are governed by the consciousness cloud

It will rain

There will be flood

We may start all over again…

Compute your destiny by the law of the All-Pervading Will and make your own matrix fit into the supracosmic design that controls the creation

With Blessings from the oldest tree (called Jaya-Jata-keshava) in the Brihadarankya /The Wilderness


From the Seed to the Tree there are my quantum states and all these are in a superposition in the Consciousness Cloud /Matter is rihontat matter in the cloud as a possibility – Nature executes the formation of things based on a design pattern encoded in the Field – the body is also the field when you know it and use it according to the Will of the Supreme.

Anadi Chakre -suryer prantore aami dekhi timirer prato-snan

Anande purnimar chand alor benu gay gaan!

– J