Trascending the Great Void, the Practitioner becomes Eternally Free from ‘Coming and Going’/The Wheel of Birth and Death: Understanding The Full Spectrum of Kaalchakra


Maha Gauri Mother riding a white Vrishaba, the bull 

“That which you see as other than righteousness and unrighteousness,

other than all this cause and effect, other than what has been and what is to be

-tell me That”. – Katha Upanishad

The Mundaka Upanishad states that when the Brahman is realized

“the fetters of the heart are broken and all doubts are resolved”.

“He does not linger where the Buddha is, and where there is no Buddha

he passes right on”. (Zenrin Poem)

In the Zen teaching of Huang Po (translated by John Blofeld) it is said

“When you practice mind-control (Zazen or dhyana), sit in the

proper position, stay perfectly tranquil, and do not permit the

least movements of your minds to disturb you”.


-Lord Atisha

The Supreme Equipoise


Shiva Dances as Parvati Plays Music circa 19th Century India

Where in the crest of Love

All forces are exacted to millennial perfection

At levels that are much beyond human perception

The Mother of the Holy Trinity

Sits on her resplendent seat

Adumbrating the future sequence of events

That will map the destiny of a new yuga

By turning the wheel 9 times and 1

“Complete as one-Everything is complete with awakened mind.

All the phenomena of samsara and nirvana are completed”./Dzogchen Tantra

Gadhule aranye samayer shaisab simha dwar hate mare uki

Dekhe agnir tapashay samudra tate kampan

Bramhaputra, kaveri jyotsnar aloy arati kare maha-bharater etihash ke

Samantabhadrer bakhya hate subhro jyoti haridwar theke alokanandar pathe

Nijeke utshorgo kariyache


Sri Anandamayi Maa and Paramhamsa Yogananda

Kal sesh o agomanir noton mantre

Dikhito hay ei jagat bishwa…

As the age ripens

And rivers ceaselessly flowing to the sea

Observe the silence in the vast void of speechless ocean

The naked sun will be the pilgrim of thy soul

Rising and churning

Bringing chaos to the point of surrender

Love conquering all opposites

By the force of the Mother of the Holy Trinity….


Press Release 


Soneva’s Sonu Shivdasani, NIHI Sumba Island’s James McBride, Four Seasons’ Rainer Stampfer,  Capella Hotel Group’s Neil B. Jacobs and Virgin Galactic’s Beth Moses among the diverse and influential experts and decision-makers to join NYT journalists on December 1-2

LONDON, OCTOBER 6, 2016 – The New York Times has today unveiled a line-up of leading figures set to join New York Times editors Monica Drake, Sam Sifton and Ching-Ching Ni at its inaugural Luxury Travel conference this December 1-2 in Singapore.

The invitation-only event will explore the dramatic ways the luxury travel and hospitality industry is evolving in its quest for the hearts and minds of consumers around the world. The event will bring together the most influential hoteliers, restaurateurs, influencers and experts to provide the insights needed to succeed in this fast-moving and dynamic industry.

The speakers, with more to be announced, include:

  • Sonu Shivdasani, founder and CEO, Soneva

  • Neil Jacobs, CEO, Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas

  • Beth Moses, chief astronaut instructor, Virgin Galactic

  • James McBride, managing partner, NIHI Sumba Island

  • Nicholas M. Clayton, CEO, Capella Hotel Group Asia

  • Rainer Stampfer, president, hotel operations – Asia Pacific, Four Seasons

  • Yann Debelle de Montby, founder, Debelle de Montby Associates

  • Petter Neby, founder and CEO, Punkt.

  • Loh Lik Peng, founder and director, Unlisted Collection

  • Lionel Ohayon, founder and CEO, ICRAVE

  • Simon Thomas, head concierge, The Lanesborough

  • Eddie Teh, general manager, Belmond Road to Mandalay and Belmond Orcaella

  • Professor Ian Millar, METRO Innovation chair and senior lecturer, École Hôtelière de Lausanne

For the agenda and speaker lineup, please visit the official Luxury Travel conference website and keep up to date with further speaker announcements by following @NYTLive. The hashtag for the conference is #NYTLT.

The New York Times Luxury Travel conference is supported by the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau.

Notes to editors

Media accreditation for The New York Times Luxury Travel conference is currently open. Accreditation requests must be submitted to by Friday, November 25th. Please note that there will be no on-site accreditation. All accreditation requests are subject to final confirmation by The New York Times.

The New York Times Company

The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT) is a global media organization dedicated to enhancing society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news and information.  The company includes The New York Times, International New York Times,, and related properties. It is known globally for excellence in its journalism, and innovation in its print and digital storytelling and its business model.  Follow news about the company at @NYTimesComm.





Creation as a Digital Semantic Print Indexer:From the Stupa of Silence in the Abode of Endless Prayers


Devi Durga worshipped by Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva circa 150-1900 Materials: Opaque watercolours on paper 

The ESSENCE is free of conceptual thinking and at the same time, its expression is conceptual thinking. Do you understand this?

The profound Knowledge of Brahman has been described in the Bhagavad Gita as the ‘Sovereign Science’.

“By realization of the Self, my dear, through hearing, reflection, and meditation, all this is known”. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)


The inner miracle of art


Nav Durga Art Vintage Collection, India

Binds space and time

Through fluted minstrelsy of ‘prana’

The world is revisited again

Through the body

Pervading a vast field of awareness

The junction

Where signal loops coincide

And text, image and sound


Goddess Durga led by Sri Hanuman, Pahari Art circa 1730

Appear from the Indefinable

All that exists is this and not

Beyond it, we learned to pray

Immeasurable eons of a vast mandala of prayers

Is our body…

It is laid bare like a monolith

Tortured through the ages

Canonized and crucified

Yet, wise like a night owl

It enjoyed a charade among autumnal flowers

Perspiring like a log

Kalida in between the Lights

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy

And burning like a flame

For the consolation of words

That became a stupa of silence

In the abode of endless prayers…
