From The Field Operation K-Matrix: God Impersonates the Personal Self For Perfect Manifestation of Unlimited Potential For Unification on Earth /Quantum Time Digital Poise & Entanglement with Brahman

From The Field Operation K-Matrix: God Impersonates the Personal Self For Perfect Manifestation of Unlimited Potential For Unification on Earth /Quantum Time Digital Poise & Entanglement with Brahman 

Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398 Fornax Constellation Image Courtesy Dark Energy Survey Collaboration

Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398 Fornax Constellation Image Courtesy Dark Energy Survey Collaboration


“Our universe is an idea of God. All began with the wish of God that a cosmos with thinking beings should be there. He spoke a mantra (ELI) and the multiverse was started. Consciousness is the center of the universe from which everything is developing…On earth, there will be a golden age in the future, based on the association of spirituality and science..And God’s light will flood through all people, (…) all love each other, they will laugh and be happy.” 

– ‘Das Urwort/The Physics of God, Michael König, German Quantum Physicist and Mystic

Verily know the Supreme One to be Bliss. (Brihadaranka Upnanishad)

Sadhak Sri Ramprasad Sen Mystic Singer and Worshipper of Divine Shakti circa 1720-1775 Bengal

Sadhak Sri Ramprasad Sen Mystic Singer and Worshipper of Divine Shakti circa 1720-1775 Bengal


“Therefore, says the divine Teacher, it is the knowledge at once of the field and its knower, ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam, a united and even unified self-knowledge and world-knowledge, which is the real illumination and the only wisdom. For both soul and nature are the Brahman, but the true truth of the world of Nature can only be discovered by the liberated sage who possesses also the truth of the spirit. One Brahman, one reality in Self and Nature is the object of all knowledge”. – The Field and its Knower, Essays on Gita, Sri Aurobindo



 ‘Embryo[Hiranyagarbhawhich, in the beginning, poured forth upon the universe a stream of gold.’ – Atharva Veda /In Quantum Cosmology this point or embryo or seed is to be regarded as the point of singularity from which universe exploded into being. 

“The Primordial Power and the Supreme Brahman are identical. You can never think of the one without the other. They are like the gem and its brilliance. One cannot think of the brilliance without the gem, or of the gem without its brilliance. Again, it is like snake and its wriggling motion. One cannot think of the wriggling motion without the snake, or of the snake without its wriggling motion. These are two aspects of Reality: Purusha and Prakriti- He who is the Purusha is also Prakriti. Both are the embodiment of Bliss.” — Sri Aurobindo


What’s there inside a fruit?      


What’s inside the pulp?


What’s inside the seeds after you smash the endosperm and the cotyledons?


How can the tree sprout from that nothing and create the pulp-fiction of lives?

The mystery unravels when we know the true essence – The Sat from which everything in the universe emanates and creates different forms, shapes, colours, tastes in varying proportion and degrees –each bearing the same essence folded in the chit (consciousness) to give a desired result or outcome through an unique experience which is the function of the cosmic principle of ananda. Everything we see, hear, taste and touch bears the sat-chit-ananda but beneath the dual surface of things.  Reality is far deeper than the surface impression it projects, to understand it, to acquire knowledge about it, one has to worship the Sat (The Absolute Being) with complete surrender. Science gives you a rationale about the surface of things, metaphysics takes you a little further, religion takes you nowhere, art helps you wonder on the spectacle and it’s mysteries, and only spirituality can take you towards the perfect destiny (Destiny Matrix)

Sri  Chakra Painted by Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Chakra Painted by Sri Ramana Maharshi


Remember the Divine Essence is Sat –the Brahman which has no beginning no end –that is Santana Dharma –it’s the Eternal Dharma

Religion is hand-crafted and manmade to suit their supremacy – it carries the superficial aspects of the divine essence.

The totality of the creation is Santana dharma – that which is forever is the Brahman in things. The unmanifest can be in two or more places at the same time (uncertainty principle) but when it manifests you locate it in one place – Learning from the Double-Split experiment? Brahman is Brahman – Life Divine!

What is Spirituality? It’s inherent causality of experience to acquire the true learning power which doesn’t discriminate between things in the world but probes into it with full faith in one’s ability to know and become the Knower.

The true essence – the Brahman of which the universe is made of is Brahman only – it’s devoid of any qualities (nir-guna Satya) – when you observe or measure you add qualities to it be it mass or colour or shape or size.

Only interactions between the Observer and the Object of Observation brings it to reality – we are observers observing the universe so it exists for us – we perceive it in a certain way and our perception creates the reality around us.

This is the new science of spirituality – the process of Observation is based on complex mathematical functions which we still are not fully aware of – because to probe it we have to go outside this multiverse and become the Ultimate Observer – The Master Magician!

That’s not the work given to us! Though the creation exists for us – we are co-creators in this conscious universe – our aim is to align ourselves with the essence – The Sat to experience the Brahman – The All Absolute Supreme Being who has fathered us to take in his arms all that we are and will be.

Reality cannot be defined by statistical probability or by use of random number generators – it’s subtler than the WIMP we are trying to locate in the LHCs. But, our approach is right and if we are awakened beings then the true Sat will unfold slowly as the bud labours through the night to fulfill it’s flowering like a dance to the sun in the dawn of offering! This is what I meant by ‘inherent loveliness’ in things – it gives us hope without which no resurrection is possible!

We resurrect our lives – our new understanding is a rebirth

Biologically the cells are communicating with the Field of Energy – exchanging information we need to be aware of it!

When a system attains harmony i.e. it organizes itself it’s entropy becomes low – to create that state in us we need to activate our will-force to harness the positive power of the mind – it’s the matrix of all matter – the mind is also the body in the gross terms containing the tejas (fire), Apas (water) and Annam (food) and when the positive energy inflow passes into the mind of the cells through Kriya we create stability in our quantum system.

The Divine permeates your body, your mind

Our trillion cell- phones are ringing simultaneously

Exchanging data with the Field

Connect your own way that’s your unique kriya to attain Samadhi or liberation

Every call is answered – smile upon a smile takes sadness away

It’s a promise: “Whosoever knows me,” says the Godhead, “as the unborn who is without origin, mighty lord of the worlds and peoples, lives unbewildered among mortals and is delivered from all sin and evil…Whosoever knows in its right principles this my pervading lordship and this my Yoga, unites himself to me by an untrembling Yoga…I destroy for them the darkness which is born of the ignorance.” – The Supreme Word of Gita, Essays on Gita, Sri Aurobindo





NEW AGE SYMBOL OF THE COMING TIME/Primitive Haploid Hexagonal Genesis, Monalisa, 2012

Ouroboros talks to the self

He hears the thunder and the lightning in the skies

The sun has cast a dim shadow on the surface of things

Lights breaking into light churned again in a sea of darkness

The star fathomed the gaze of the serpent from the non-dual juxtaposition of the kshara on akshara

Fables are written to bear the time-signals of a superior wall of ethics

Bricks make Another Brick in the Wall

There is no sequel to the beginning in the end of no-end

Walking past the museums at day light

I felt the art has to manifest the psychisisation of matter

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1)

Unborn in the changeless equation of the forever in ever

Eternity closed the chapters of its book on revelation and gave time the secrets of its soul

Art thou manifest in the primordial archetype, go seek the paradise on earth

Far beyond the Himalayas, the circle enclosed the circle of beings

Ultra-tradit speed of supermind determined Alblackica’s wings to be spread above

Coming back from that, ouroboros sang a hymn in words of unknown dialect

Qua qua hrim hrim tat yat yatat vobin

Qua qua hrim srim tat yat satat grovax

Qua qua srim krim tat yat tatat kleno

Mion-paxas-nayara-ananta-nag NGK

OUROBOROS is the Alpha King-Serpent of spiritual Kineto-Genesis. Alpha is Beta in every Gamma of Delta. A self-reflective spiritual symbol – Shiva on Yama off-on kinesis of veta-veta-veta = adds life to the years of supramental manifestation. Clockwise-anticlockwise turn negates duality of the vessel thereby uniting matter-tattva with higher creative light of alblackica wings. In the sky is the bird as ‘a serpent in prayer’ to worship the stars. Adya-chitta-om on paratpara moksha is the non-dual supratohentim supramental on classless ideology of ‘kshara on akshara purusha’.

Daivik rope akhanda prem dan

Ek theke bahu bipartit shunyo

Zero os the mother of the one on one as one and not one. Zero is the time-loop configuration of the cyclical-anti-cyclical spin of the ouroboros in the Grail Chalice of the blood as navotet-metabolism of the rose-function cross of the eternal yuramin hexagon. Immutable plan of the creation towards a higher evolution of consciousness adds high-value material growth for ‘Innovation’ in all aspects of life. Beauty is the magic-door destiny of the serpent planting numbers that act according to the aspiration of the soul. The soul is the objective-mind in the psychisisation process towards the alpha-numeral enlightenment of matter-mind synthesis. The first a is eating the last alphabet in the honour of the end in the beginning of time. The Word ‘unborn’ in the meta-axis of the time-serpent is the classical inequation of all possible manifestations. When the serpent encloses the hexagonal sacrifice of the ying-yang mystery then the creation attains liberty of profit from the quewan bank of the hexa-ambi-eternal axis.

– Joy Roy Choudhury