The Delta Lapis Consciousness of the Stone in the Primordial Higgs-Field Vector Lattice

The Delta Lapis Consciousness of the Stone in the Primordial Higgs-Field Vector Lattice, Samij Datta, 2012


“All things fall and are built again,
And those that build them again are gay.”- Lapis Lazuli, W.B. Yeats

Inside the mind the heavenly field is a fluid vector of memory transcendence

It flows as the dark blue lapis of consciousness

There are invisible mountains over Pushkar and Kashmir flying like zeppelins in the azure sky

Radioactive dust from atomic processors are enriched in c-uranium minds

Towards the destiny the apple cart index is the sweet labour of ‘burning and burning’

Beauty has its hands on the true petals of life; the tribal Mercedes is on the Brahman gateway

To see the light of the autumn sun, the winter endorses the rose of paradise

Quantum signals from distant galaxies are attending the parabolic midnight of summer

Greatyana maha-yugas entering through the dance of time where the three rivers congregate

The seven sages of the eternal Equus have the red-waziz rider on the highway 61

On the way to the dawn, the alblackica marks the end of suffering

Mystique association of the law of multiple proportions have given Higgs Field the new optimization value

Reaping and harvesting

Walking in the shadows by the faculty of numbers to enhance productivity (α-sheets of dot consciousness as per metrical volume of the container)

Resting and sleeping

Awakening like the mirror reflecting all

Waters inflow, the winds carry words across oceans into shambhala

Meditating on the stone, the cat-hour darkness melted the moon on to the centripetal horizon of huan-xo spring time

Difference is not the cost you pay to liberate the world from clutches of immobility

Defer not the day for the judgement to come its way has started its ideal script to run its own machine

In the nanorobotic space, time is a defragmenter of knowledge as super-sensory intellect of high primeval ram

Kwa-kwa-non-non-meva-quinn-wing adiabatic expansion in thermo-nuclear field flask

Evening supernova to a bio luminous 8191 transfer in a land of Golden Fleece

Retrocausal supermind active on para-brahman grace-circle with non-reductive isometric free radius

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Quantum Wings of an Imaginary Butterfly in the Higgs Field: The Doors Reopen to Admit that Consciousness is the only Way Forward

Quantum Wings of an Imaginary Butterfly in the Higgs Field: The Doors Reopen to admit that Consciousness is the only Way Forward


Light cones emerge carrying quadrangular time-consciousness bits

Some are vector tat, some are vector sat

Some are Jehovah’s mobile signals of an entanglement in Higgs Field

The leaf is the source carrier of messages from the dark hole via the sun

Intercepted by the wind and the waters, they say stones are thick mud alphabets of the earth

On a bed of rocks she slept, her wings washed by the running streams

In the particle accelerator, the quarks are flying with muons and yuramins

They know that knowledge comes from transgender mind of consciousness

Mind above the mind is the absolute mind of alblackica

Brahman is Brahman in Ying as Yang on gravity defying ‘Cash Back Policy’ (The Tao ‘On in In’)

Square the time the Supramental descends

Like a tiger burning bright in the epsilon of delta zarest roaming space

“Indians scattered on dawn’s highway bleeding

Ghosts crowd the young child’s fragile eggshell mind…

Indian, Indian what did you die for?

Indian says, nothing at all”. – (Dawn’s Highway, Jim Morrison, The Doors)

– Joy Roy Choudhury


The Higgs-Field Signal Non-Locality and the ‘Quantum Absolute Mind in Consciousness

Higgs-Field Signal-Locator, Samij Datta, 2012

The Higgs-Field Signal Non-Locality and the ‘Quantum Absolute Mind in Consciousness


Like a warplane into the purple aerodrome

And coming out with a flight of doves

Communication channels are open and working overtime

They don’t negate the virtues of the golden sun

Higgs talking to other particles in the electro-nuclear field

Condensation taking place; the flower was a tool of super-sensory intellect to protect beauty in eyes of nature

The engine is the butterfly and the bees; it led to a productive yield

Two spoonfuls of honey trickling on a cup of hot novark tea

The mind is the absolute in the absolute as Brahman in ‘Ying-Yang’

Turn the Para-Brahman within the Brahman to earn a better value for money

Rishta tut ta nahi he; rishta jorna parte hain

Bonds of friendship are the life-blood of this existence

Quarks anticipate microtubules with A1A artificial intelligence

Genomic programme craft aggregator selects n-p horizons in a quantum Higgs-Field

The dark days were just hallucination of the stars in the new moon nectar of the light in darkness

At the seashore the crabs have found a new destiny of life to lay their eggs

– Joy Roy Choudhury






NEW AGE SYMBOL OF THE COMING TIME/Primitive Haploid Hexagonal Genesis, Monalisa, 2012

Ouroboros talks to the self

He hears the thunder and the lightning in the skies

The sun has cast a dim shadow on the surface of things

Lights breaking into light churned again in a sea of darkness

The star fathomed the gaze of the serpent from the non-dual juxtaposition of the kshara on akshara

Fables are written to bear the time-signals of a superior wall of ethics

Bricks make Another Brick in the Wall

There is no sequel to the beginning in the end of no-end

Walking past the museums at day light

I felt the art has to manifest the psychisisation of matter

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1)

Unborn in the changeless equation of the forever in ever

Eternity closed the chapters of its book on revelation and gave time the secrets of its soul

Art thou manifest in the primordial archetype, go seek the paradise on earth

Far beyond the Himalayas, the circle enclosed the circle of beings

Ultra-tradit speed of supermind determined Alblackica’s wings to be spread above

Coming back from that, ouroboros sang a hymn in words of unknown dialect

Qua qua hrim hrim tat yat yatat vobin

Qua qua hrim srim tat yat satat grovax

Qua qua srim krim tat yat tatat kleno

Mion-paxas-nayara-ananta-nag NGK

OUROBOROS is the Alpha King-Serpent of spiritual Kineto-Genesis. Alpha is Beta in every Gamma of Delta. A self-reflective spiritual symbol – Shiva on Yama off-on kinesis of veta-veta-veta = adds life to the years of supramental manifestation. Clockwise-anticlockwise turn negates duality of the vessel thereby uniting matter-tattva with higher creative light of alblackica wings. In the sky is the bird as ‘a serpent in prayer’ to worship the stars. Adya-chitta-om on paratpara moksha is the non-dual supratohentim supramental on classless ideology of ‘kshara on akshara purusha’.

Daivik rope akhanda prem dan

Ek theke bahu bipartit shunyo

Zero os the mother of the one on one as one and not one. Zero is the time-loop configuration of the cyclical-anti-cyclical spin of the ouroboros in the Grail Chalice of the blood as navotet-metabolism of the rose-function cross of the eternal yuramin hexagon. Immutable plan of the creation towards a higher evolution of consciousness adds high-value material growth for ‘Innovation’ in all aspects of life. Beauty is the magic-door destiny of the serpent planting numbers that act according to the aspiration of the soul. The soul is the objective-mind in the psychisisation process towards the alpha-numeral enlightenment of matter-mind synthesis. The first a is eating the last alphabet in the honour of the end in the beginning of time. The Word ‘unborn’ in the meta-axis of the time-serpent is the classical inequation of all possible manifestations. When the serpent encloses the hexagonal sacrifice of the ying-yang mystery then the creation attains liberty of profit from the quewan bank of the hexa-ambi-eternal axis.

– Joy Roy Choudhury