Ra-Dofh Eternal, Samij Datta, 2012



Submission of my being in the inelastic dark matter

Have yielded a very high dense polygrammatical memory of quarks and leptons

No man is free till he sees the light in the v-cube of victory

Ambition dies on the road to eternity

Drawing on the board a sketch of a tree that has lived long with the river and the sands

Amulets of gold crown the last fall of a leaf on a slate of a mirror

Words transcend the sorrow of its birth in a tetra-ionic ethereal field

Zoroaster dimed the sun so the night is anointed with the stars of the zebra-fin lake

The lion of the Talmud is rising from the sea    

And as the dog followed the hunter into the woods of arcadia

Remember the song that gave the heart its first taste of joy

Bursting from the sky into the aquamarine caves of the psychiquazim

Nevra-prime matter of consciousness gave diction to geometry

The circles oozed the triangles in the large hadron collider

And chanted the anonymous hymn of the microcosmic world

Zero always stands  as zero in the one two three of its gametophores

And the flowers cupped the solstice in the arm of its neck

Tring tring hring hrum hrim massless troton on alpha nanorobotic space

Eats Sommerfeld’s equations as ants ride the bosonic-boat of the messenger

Hayat tobihat omin soyit

Rekavo utrit deneb om

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: Tribal Art, Bengal

The Valeloluva Hymn of the Red Poppies for the Everlasting Chant on the Alblackica Day

THE WAY TO GYAN-GANJ III, Samij Datta, 2011

The Valeloluva Hymn of the Red Poppies for the Everlasting Chant on the Alblackica Day


Lamarck was an insolated cone in the canvas of questions, episteme root resolves functions of Satprem; to the river was the eye watching the green fish-fins of Marcel Proust in the day of remembrance, 11th November 8191-1918.00 points in the fractal de-fractal frame of Alblackica peace.

The turbo speed of the Valeloluva chanting the Valeloluva hymn in the nutcracker of an asymptotic curve reminds the way through which the pleasured dome of sanctity is to be reached via the Boson tram-lines of the Hermione; the statue becomes the Pliny of Rome in the translucence of the glazed glass mirror through which the Auto-mine mind of the habber-brahman speaks or corresponds with the intranet networks of the creative impulse in the decathlon of Olympia; sitting by the river the mountains looked like grasses grazed by the black cow of Odeon in the several gold Razder goblets of the grape-moun law; boats are beats of the Ruhatit time of the Baquytra mother in the cave-mesonic era of the Johaman and the Noah-man sailing in the empty mandala circles of the primal fracto-void of ethereal existence; the sine cosine functions of the orbital heterodox are the shining electro-structures of mesomoun particles; zabber on zabber is the cross-triangular logic of the arc-polymatria: the kalpa-kalpu-kalpe of the creation. Valeloluva…Valeloluva…Valeloluva chants the eternal time in the time-keeper’s Harrods of solvent neutralization; polygraph of the acetaldehyde is the C-Butamin cross-hatch lepton in the anomalous expansion of water in hydroponics; beneath the hydra, the labyrinth of walking stones saw the nocturnal bird revisit the sun in the darkness of the moon. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, the gates of the creation are opening in time…

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: Photograph from Pink Floyd The Final Cut Album Archive.

Remembrance Day: At 11 AM on 11th Nov, 1918 the ceasefire was signed at Rethondes, France between Allied Powers and Germany to end “The War To End All Wars”. On the same day  a year later in 1919, American President Woodrow Wilson marked the first Armistice Day celebrations.