Jane Birkin, the Famous British Actress and Model Known to be the Creator of the Legendary Birkin Bag by Hermes, passes away in Paris at the age of 76 (14.12.1946 – 16.07.2023)

Jane Birkin, British Actress, Model in a photoshoot
Jane Birkin, the classic 60s style she embodies
Jean Birkin (1946-2023)

The quietness of the Last Breath

Often resembles a new leaf 🌿 on the branch

Bold and quiet

It leaves nothing behind It Blows Up cities, the endless tirades against an innocent demiurge

London, Paris, NY, Milan : cities where the wildflower is not anymore a plastic thing , a reality yet not understood by a deceiving race …sometimes flying in the airplane she may have discovered a new trend….Across the Universe …..they have planted new seeds within an atomic noosphere

To get to the door that opens to the vastness and wideness of the sky

Cities that shelter or unfold the myriad memories of a girl

The camera eye that swirls with black and white and cosmic colours in their nudeness in the void, not empty, but, swelling like a mountain river that knows it’s way,

The glossy pages of a magazine in the stands are now documents of history

Read or unread by time itself Somewhere the last page of her life breathes a new birth A freedom that can never extinct the spirit of Beauty

Her eyelids are far more truthful than the words of a singer or the canvas of an artist …it is so because everything is left in awareness alone, the Beatles, the lover, the fashion, the Birkin bag and the legacy

As if the world is fine tuned to conceive another step in the evolution

A bold one, like Jane…

The last breath could be the new beginning of a style, a psychedelic flora cups the light of the farthest stars in a moment of truth Let her rest in peace

All that eternity could be here, and now….

Jay Guru Deva Om (3x) Across the Universe, The Beatles

Le calme du Dernier Souffle

Ressemble souvent à une nouvelle feuille 🌿 sur la branche

Audacieux et silencieux

Ça ne laisse rien derrière Ça explose les villes, les interminables tirades contre un innocent démiurge

Londres, Paris, NY, Milan : des villes où la fleur sauvage n'est plus une chose en plastique, une réalité encore incomprise par une race trompeuse…parfois en volant dans l'avion elle a peut-être découvert une nouvelle tendance….A travers l'Univers…..ils ont planté de nouvelles graines dans une noosphère atomique

Pour arriver à la porte qui s'ouvre sur l'immensité et la largeur du ciel

Des villes qui abritent ou déploient les myriades de souvenirs d'une fille

L'œil de la caméra qui tourbillonne de noir et blanc et de couleurs cosmiques dans leur nudité dans le vide, pas vide, mais, gonflant comme une rivière de montagne qui connaît son chemin,

Les pages glacées d'un magazine dans les gradins sont désormais des documents d'histoire

Lue ou non lue par le temps lui-même Quelque part la dernière page de sa vie respire une nouvelle naissance Une liberté qui ne pourra jamais éteindre l'esprit de la Beauté

Ses paupières sont bien plus véridiques que les mots d'un chanteur ou la toile d'un artiste… c'est parce que tout est laissé à la seule conscience, les Beatles, l'amant, la mode, le sac Birkin et l'héritage

Comme si le monde s'affinait pour concevoir une nouvelle étape dans l'évolution

Un audacieux, comme Jane…

Le dernier souffle pourrait être le nouveau départ d'un style, une flore psychédélique coupe la lumière des étoiles les plus éloignées dans un moment de vérité Laisse-la reposer en paix

Toute cette éternité pourrait être ici, et maintenant….

Jay Guru Deva Om (3x) À travers l'univers, les Beatles
Jane with the Beatles

Watch “Pink Floyd’ Childhood’s End: The Frozen Guilds of Time as seen from a Mothership” on YouTube

Childhood’s End appeared in Pink Floyd’s album Obscured By Clouds recorded in France for La Vallee movie. The title is from Arthur C. Clark’s sci-fi book by the same name …

Spontaneous Perfection by Birth: The Yoga of the Left and the Right Eye- Observing the Evolution of Events Unfolding in the Multiverse Space-Time Fabric

Krishna Childhhod

Sacred Anointment of Lord Krishna

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare (3x)


The Lotus Born, Guru Padmasambhava

Incantations from the pure stream of boundless space

Whirls up ambroisia in the white lotus

To the melodious birth of a child

Who, beyond the knower and the known

With superconscient mind

Jim Morrison Cute Photograph

Jim Morrison, The Adorable Adonis

Takes within Him the Wheel of Time

Engendering its evolution

Following the path dotted by light

Wonderfully curved by the dance of His steps

And air breathing into the bamboo flute

To the Delight of all sentient beings

A Cinema Paradiso or drama of the multiverse


Lord Vishnu Floating on Cosmic Ocean

With none but Him the only audience.


Now I have shown you

The yoga that leads

To the truth undying.

First to Vivaswat,

Vivaswat taught it

In turn to Manu,

Next Ikshaku

Learnt it from Manu,

And so the sages

In royal succession

Carried it onward

From teacher to teacher

Till at length it was lost

Throughout ages forgotten.


You and I, Arjuna

Have lived many lives.

I remember them all:

You do not remember


In every age I come back

To deliver the holy,

To destroy the sin of the sinner,

To establish righteousness.

He who knows the nature

Of my task and my holy birth

Is not reborn

When he leaves the body:

He comes to me”.

(Chapter IV -Renunciation Through Knowledge, ‘Bhagavad Gita’, The Song of God, Translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, Introduction by Aldous Huxley)



Fourth International Conference ‘Science and Scientist – 2016’
August 26 — 27, 2016, Bangalore University

Science and Scientists 2016 @Prof. K. V. Gowda Memorial Auditorium, Bangalore University



The Original Realization of Marvellous Practice and the New Enlightenment under Maha-Avatar Babaji Maharaj: Negative Space (Ma) Topologically Constructing Kinematic Behaviour of Invisible Micro-State Point-Forces

Maha-Avatar Sri Babaji Maharaj

Maha-Avatar Sri Babaji Maharaj


“Do you like music?” Dr. Robert asked.      

Island by Aldous Huxley

Island by Aldous Huxley

“More than most things.” 

“And what, may I ask, does Mozart’s G-Minor Quintet refer to? Does it refer to Allah? Or Tao? Or the second person of the Trinity? Or the Atman-Brahman?” 

Will laughed. “Let’s hope not.” 

Paul Klee, Um den Kern or Around the Core circa 1935

Paul Klee, Um den Kern or Around the Core circa 1935

“But that doesn’t make the experience of the G-Minor Quintet any less rewarding. Well, it’s the same with the

kind of experience that you get with the moksha-medicine, or through prayer and fasting and spiritual exercises.

Even if it doesn’t refer to anything outside itself, it’s still the most important thing that ever happened to you.

Like music, only incomparably more so. And if you give the experience a chance, if you’re prepared to go along with it,

the results are incomparably more therapeutic and transforming. So maybe the whole thing does happen

inside one’s skull. Maybe it is private and there’s no unitive knowledge of anything but one’s own physiology.

Who cares? The fact remains that the experience can open one’s eyes and make one blessed and transform

one’s whole life.”

 – Island, Aldous Huxley

Om Ma

Sri Sri Anandamayi Maa Photograph5

Sri Sri Anandamayi Maa Photograph

Ma the negative space topologically constructing kinematic behaviour of invisible micro-state point-forces giving rising to diamond emptiness- Macro-tactile crystalline super-void/Emptiness Architecture 12th to 13th Dimension Retrocausal Jump

In the beginning the end enfolded in dreams speaks of an unknown question of no one

Why then have you come and how far did you get? What initial ritualistic symbols did you purify?

How many gigavolts of electrical energy you need to transfuse in the cellular networks to reconfigure the vibration, the pulse of these universe mapped locally in your brain as network convergence over a wide area of the system?

Sitting in the park

The wooden bench under the canopy of autumn leaves probably in NY

Orange red green

Maybe, inside the head purple

Jim Morrison Rock Psychedelic Poster

Jim Morrison Rock Psychedelic Poster

And distant ocean winds and words

Flowing through

Down and up the axis mundi

Smoothly coming out

Re entering again

The vast theatre of desireless non-differential karma

Uttering profoundly the ‘Om’

Shining like a ripple

That characterizes the sound of this eternal existence

From the non-deliberate act of inaction potential

On the surface to the bottom

The membranes are colliding against each other

Creating nano-optical convergence of life-force

As a resonance of the negative space ‘Ma’

Network Convergence at Nanoscale

Network Convergence at Nanoscale – 12th to 13th Dimensional Retrocausal Jump

Over the super dynamic sheets of Om fibres

Projected out in a single dance


This was getting simple Joseph K said

There was actually no trial

No courtroom

No warrant

No nothing

Neither there will be a Bodhi tree standing for enlightenment

The body stood still

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy: Tapoban Katha

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy:      Tapoban Katha

Emitting the glow from its own substance

And the birds practiced karuna

Flowers were offered at His feet

Eternity on every grain of sand

Was the riddle of time answering the Question

That followed it to where He was, is and will be forever- Om Ma
