Exploring The Mata Kuan Rani Temple in Mandi: Following Princess Mandarava’s Wisdom to Show The Way for Women Enlightenment

Princess Mandarava, Mandi

With a world struggling with post-pandemic recovery, the slow downturns of an economic recession, the ongoing disastrous wars in Europe, Israel and Gaza, with climate change, El Nino taking its full effect with Met Offices sending alarms to most states in India, as the heatwave looms early in a country going into elections in a months time, to decide the mandate of the largest democracy, the ground beneath our feet shaking with tremors in Taiwan, the volcanic ash billowing in sky in Iceland, the only way out it seems, is to look for insight wisdom,  and, understanding as contrary to misinformation,  distortion of meaning which has plagued our short-sighted individual, and, community life leaving no balance to restore peace, and, sobriety. This is exactly the mission that has inspired Sonia Gomes from Portugal to land in New Delhi, and, travel to Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, she, a student of Vajrayana Buddhism, a Yoga Teacher, with a doctoral degree in Marketing Management & Communications, and, a Masters Degree in Psychology, has been doing relentless work in helping women and children with practical solutions to face every situation or as she often says “learning to work with circumstances”, a lesson she attributes to the famous historical Princess of Zahor, the Indian consort of Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), who in her life overcame all impediments, though being born a princess, she dedicated her life to emancipate women from the circular trap of samsara by using the powers of awareness only.

In front of Princess Mandarava’s idol, Sonia Gomes
Prayers and Worship
The Sanctum Santorum

A place in the hilltop in Mandi, 2890 ft above sea level, which is Sonia Gomes’ destiny, the famous Mata Kuan Rani Temple, or, the ‘Princess of the Well Temple’, made of slate above a deep well, a certain meditative quietness prevails, enhanced by the natural elegance and rupture of the melodious blue-throated barbet, whistling thrush, near the banks of the river Beas, and, maybe,  liturgical chants from the temple itself where the beautiful Princess Mandarava’s idol absorbs the prayers of the true aspirants of the Path, the North West Himalayan Rhododendron and Dog Violets, make the place a retreat of the highest awareness.

The implications of Sonia’s  mission becomes even more magnified, if we understand the factual narrative of Princess Mandarava, who was born as a prodigious child, replete with spiritual powers of penance and austirity which bear close resemblances with Sakyamuni Buddha’s life, the semiotics of her parents’ dreams, the signs she confronted like sickness, old age and death that finally triggered her resignation of royal aristocratic life in exchange for seeking a path that would lead every being to becoming a Buddha, the awakened one. Another perspective that holds prominence in the Buddhist cannon, is Mandarava’s aspirations that symbolically resonate that with Tara, the goddess who becomes enlightened because she seeks the final liberation immersed in a sea of quietetude. Mandarava’s struggle is that of a woman, relevant even today, it bears the impression and markings of what a woman has to universlly undergo in familiar circumstances if she resolves to seek liberation for herself and for others. It is factually recorded that Princess Mandarava was enlightened the second time, in her past life she was Buddha Pandaravasini, an immortal awareness holder who carries the chalice of Nirvana into next birth only to use the opportunity to create a model for all aspirants, especially women seeking enlightenment. In her present avatar as Princess Mandarava, where we put our focus into, she ordained by the great Buddhist teacher Santaraksita, who also hailed from Mandi, meets Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born, also known as the second Buddha, undergoes rigorous training at Maratika cave in Nepal, post the Rewalsar lake event, and, finally achieves the great rainbow body or Vajrakaya (the three in one – nirmanakarya, sambhagokaya and dharmakaya), – these acts propels her immense dedication to practice as means to achieve the final goal of liberation. She, a student of Padmasambhava, also, a teacher in her own right, is the manifestation of grace (anugraha in Sanskrit) which is required for those who are sincere seekers of the Path. As the supreme  “head of one hundred thousand dakinis” (dakinis are polysemous female figures, sometimes referred as goddess or a woman practitioner in esoteric tantric literature), Princess Mandarava, is the main consort of Padmasambhava, the India counterpart of Yeshe Tsogyal, and her role as wisdom dakini has true significance that enhances her nature as  heroine who sought wisdom to liberate women.

Mandarava’s birth in Mandi, in Himachal Pradesh is just not a coincidence, after all the great sacred temples of Bhootnath, Trilokinath and others, dedicated to Lord Shiva, gave the place the status of being known as the Varanasi of the Hills or Chota Kashi, and, a true seeker who chooses like Buddha her parentage, must have been blessed by the Lord himself on her mission to enlightenment. Amidst the wildness of the butterfly bush, wild primula, and the barn swallow’s fading songs over a scarlet sunset in the clear skies of the Himalayan town, one would think that the morning and evening prayers are the only true source of sustenance in world of  impermanence and the menacing chaos.

Sonia Gomes with students in the community : Learning and Re-learning
Princess Mandarava Idol
Sonia with Buddhist Women Nuns and practitioners in Himachal Pradesh

If someone is buying fruits and butter lamps, and, incense to be used for worship at the Mata Kuan Rani temple, then the Mandi market is where one must look for. In fact, the name mandi in Hindi translates to a marketplace, where the community meets to buy and sell, the ancient Sanskrit root word is “mandaptika”, an open hall or shed, it is not unusual if the aspirant is followed by a dog  from the mandi market uphill to the temple, a sign of greater things to come, a gentle reminder of the famous oldest Zen Koan: Does a dog have a Buddha nature or not? In the silence of the distant mountains, the leaves among the trees whispered one ideograph- “Mu”, and, the prayers for liberation are set in the wheels of time.

– Joy Roy Choudhury, International Consultant, Media Outreach, and PR

Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti: May the World be bestowed with Peace and Tranquility

“Owing to ignorance of the rope, the rope appears to be a snake; owing to ignorance of the self the transient state arises of the individualized, limited, phenomenal aspect of the self.” – Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak, JRC, 2023

From Guru Nanak to Victor Hugo: It may sound strange, but, I assure it is not. Art from the unconscious is deeply symbolical and it’s connected with our own process of Self-Enquiry. The process streams with consciousness, reflected consciousness, once the mirror is polished then IT shines through and makes experience possible. From duality to non-duality and back to the marketplace (turia state or Zen’s last state in Oxherding plates), the quest is possible if there’s “Ishwarah Anugraha” (citation Guru Gita 1st sloka) – without the grace, it’s not possible simply by effort 🙏.

Cosmic Charlie, art music rendition, JRC (original Grateful Dead song)

We are so much obsessed with Victor Hugo, the writer, the poet, the scathing social injustice author of the classic Les Miserables (1862), that, we have overlooked a great fact, which is nonetheless, cited by none other than Andre Breton as automatic drawing. Hugo’s intuitive experimentation in art is a secret that needs to be well acclaimed by people, he produced almost 4000 drawings, most of them not meant to be shown in public. Automatic writing or drawing – which the surrealists drawn upon in their work, is all about using the hand to do what it wants to rather than preemptive cognitive decisions that govern our thinking process. Like Hugo didn’t know what he would do on a Friday evening with a roll of paper and ink blots. ….yes, he cared not to know, in a Zen way, one shouldn’t let the right arm know the release time/moment of the shooting of the arrow. Difficult, but,  can be done…there are many examples of that all over and specially in spritual poetry or psychic art. Also same in music by the way…..I don’t think Bob Dylan knows exactly where he would put an end to his lyrics, he has a pattern for the verse but not every word is consciously chosen.

Re-Imaging Victor Hugo Landscape, JRC, 2023

Ink and a quill
Both the nib and feather
Far away your setting sun, the Other
You may choose to run
beyond the horizon
And end up near your favourite apple tree…. (Something like this…!)

What is a free flowing communication that doesn’t get bogged down by preset interference pattern? That’s in reality was part of 19th Century spiritualism – Breton already said that Hugo was the forerunner of Surrealism, he was playing with chance any allowing it to evoke unforseen forces responding to the free-flowing communication that was part of nineteenth-century Spiritualism. Hugo attended séances during his exile, and actively kept a diary of dreams.

Then we have a dream world both in waking state and in dream state along with deep sleep mode. The waking dream seems apparently real, the dream state unreal, that’s our observation, and, we almost have no query about deep sleep mode. Well it’s time to ssk Wahi Guru !!!! Yes, Today….(3 interconnected words and I won’t say more Guru-Govind-Granth) and there is only non-dual consciousness – it doesn’t need to pervade any space time like an incense stick….because fundamentally matter energy and space time are all in it…..

What a beautiful day!

2 artworks – Guru Nanak and A dreamy Landscape from rare collections of Victor Hugo paintings edited by Stefanie Heraeus, translated by Deborah Laurie Cohen ( History Workshop Journal)*that was lying in my desk adding soot to my psyche.

Someday will discuss whats the connection with Vajrayana! And thanks to Sarvapriyananda ji and Guru Ji for making things as clear as a crystal. With little help from Divine Mother!


From Apollonaire to Picasso, Chagall, Jean-Paul Sarte and De Bussy: An Evening in Paris

To create a new artform based on history, the transformation in the process must be presided over by consciousness of the whole human race, steeped in tradition and heritage, with an overarching futuristic idea of human unity where the East is West, West is East, and, there lies no race, colour, gender differences, no preferences which dissolves the power of human imagination and beauty in the intrinsic psyche of this evolving race.

For exhibition in UK and Europe, and, signed copies of prints (not originals) mail jeffmross@aol.com ….or joyr.choudhury@gmail.com

Thank you.

Day 4 of Saradiya Navratri: Exhibition IV- Paying Obesience to Mother Goddess, Devi Kushmanda in the Form of a Cosmic Egg – The Natural Spontaneity of the Cosmic Spin

Spinning and twining

In the starlight ballroom

We came forth as innumerable beings resonating with her energy

We crawl back into the womb

Where silence sleeps in the beauty of her being

A radiance in the void, her luminous steps

Who could write or express gratitude?

For love is One, across all planes of existence

Like child nourished by the seraphims

We have found the paradise in her Self.- JRC – on the 4th of Navratri, the aspect of Mother Parvati worshipped is Devi Kushmanda. As the name spells out, Kush meaning small, usma meaning energy and anda meaning the cosmic egg. To sum up, she is the one who created this universe like from a cosmic egg with her smile. The plasticity of the smile is the cause of the multitudes, she is ever worshipped for wellbeing and strength of all sentient beings, she nourishes them all, she is the creatrix of this creation.

4th Day, The Creatrix, Devi Kushmanda

The Opening of the Heart and Maha Uddharan Lila (The Great Salvation towards understanding 🙏 the meaning of “Sentience”)


Open your heart, I am coming home….

15th August 2023, 151st Birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (not meant for light hearted ones!)

Roger Waters Amused to Death played on acoustic

দেশ ভাগ
আর হঠাৎই জেগে ওঠা দাবানলের মধ্যে
তলিয়ে গেছে প্রাণ সমুদ্রে
বৃষ্টিতে ভেজা কাগজে অক্ষর পড়া যায় না
দেখা যায় না ক্ষণ তারিখ
শুধু উপলব্ধির বোঝা টানতে টানতে এতদূর পথ হেঁটে আসা
কেউ কি ভেবেছিল একদিন এমন হবে
মাদুর বিছিয়ে সাঁঝের বেলায়
আলোর শেষ রশ্মিকে অনাবৃত করবে এই ঘন অন্ধকার
যেখানে জোনাকির লন্ঠনে দেখা যায় চিঠি,হস্তরেখা আর পাইল করা ফাইল
কবে কোথায় ঘটেছে বিমান দুর্ঘটনা
মহাকালের রথের চাকা সৃষ্টির প্রারম্ভে কালচক্রের ঘূর্ণনকে বেঁধেছিল প্রভুর ভাগবত সত্য
বন্ধুর জীবন
জগতের আলোড়ন
আর মহা উদ্ধারণ
নদীর পাড় সোনাব্যাঙের ডাক
চালতা তলায় কে?
If this a theatre
Then we must dream the actors on stage
Careful with that Axe, Eugene!
If this is a cinema then we must
dream a better script
The fallen flower never rises to the branch
সময়ের ঘড়ি থেমে থাকে না
সময়ের সাথে চলা পথিকের দর্শন
কেউ চিনবে না
জানবে না
জানতে চায়ও না
ঠিক তাই কারাগারে জন্ম কৃষ্ণের
The world is a prison the way you have dream it
You can call Antonin Atraud to explain
In between mirrors there are myriads of mirrors
Some escapes from the field
Other assumes the roles
When the river takes away Ophelia
Or, when helpless men, women and child are burnt alive

The River by Jean Renoir
Sri Aurobindo at his desk
The Sun rising over Tapabhumi Narmada
Divine Mother, Pondicherry
Buddha, Ravangla, Sikkim
The Himalayas
Yogishwar, Sri Kalipada Guharoy in meditation

The scarecrow was a witness
You can ask Kakbhushundi
Multiple timelines in Wheeler’s gaze can confine to a singularity point
And you will not know
And not knowing is the reality you consume
It’s perfectly surreal with a touch of Max Ernst and  Rene Margitte
The plane has crashed
They look for documents in the archives
They look for records
They pay taxes
And they find nothing
And conclude nothing
In a play you can act anonymously
Androgynous liquid in the sack of moons toroidal field can breathe life into an awakened one
You call him Kuntuzangpo
You can call him the Buddha
The lotus born in the fire ether vastness
Will laugh at you tonight
Because you can’t recognise yourself in the mirror
And there are mirrors all round you
This world is a made of mirrors
Each reflecting the other ad infinitum
The last log in the diary was about No One
And you burn them as relics embedded on petroglyphs
Someday soon the birds will teach about singing
They too have a heart like an ant also dreams
And in one of its dreams you may learn your kalchakra tantra from King Suchandra (Dawa Sangpo)
– Mahakal

#independenceday2023 #independence #freedomfighter #Netaji #SriAurobindo #prabhujagatbandhu #haripurush #kuntuzangpo #padmasambhava #LotusBorn #gururinpoche #reikienergy #meditation #indian #tibet #buddha #ophelia #antoninartaud #surrealism #renemagritte #MaxErnst #futurepoetry #zen #kalchakra #kingsuchandra #shambhala #gyanganj #dawasangpop

The Tibet Awareness is Slowly Unfolding in Bengal thanks 🙏 to Ganasamannay, Social Welfare Trust

The Freedom We Seek in the Parable of Truth

If I close my eyes I see the world

Like in a dream

Mountains and rivers

Forests in early spring

The autumn clouds gliding past in a sky we call freedom where birds fly and breezes that comb the back of a sun

How wonderful

When I open my eyes I see them all

Aging and waning

Weeping in the frail evening light

The candle burns for an hour and dies

Those who dared to speak the truth

Are cast away and time erodes the path they left

And those who lied in the name of god their pride ebullient like a drop administers the thing they called love

How wonderful

I have slept eons under the shade

Have been to the distant stars May be its

Time to say goodbye to friends I have gathered together in a raft

Hello, I say to the river birds

Hello, to the new light of dawn May the cow in the disc of the sun will write it down with her own tears One day it

Will be sung in courtyards and palaces And I am no more

I am…..

The Ganges at Dawn, Varanasi

The nudeness of form is the void itself
A terrible terror in the face of beauty
Where light disappears into an eternal crevice
And the flesh and the bones,
The rivers of blood are swept away by a somnambulist whirl
That wakes or dreams into a sleep of a timeless witness
Are you then tired my son?
Are you tired of mornings when the sirens sing ?
Are you tired of falling into the abyss of a lazy afternoon that opens doors to myriads of experiences
Are you tired seeing the sun dip across the horizon?.
Do you look into the nights of wonder, stars filled with atomic explosions?
Every now then, you slip into the maelstrom
And you are lost for a second
The flower droops
The cascades run dry…
The magic lantern in the eyes of Orion
Stops burning for awhile….
What you do and don’t
Call your friend pass your sighs
Breathe in or out….
Look into the very space where birth and death are mere phenomenas
And you make cities with gold
Sparkle like diamonds
The towers reaching the heaven of your thoughts
And your flying machines drop balls of fire
And burn and churn
Everything that’s beneath your feet
And toys roll on ….
None to play with….
You shed a tear
Wipe it clean
The slate is now for you to write
Another story on an another day?
When the grasping breath collides with the raven’s claws and feathers?
You turn around,
And you never look back
They are all lying in the fields
Waiting to be sown again…


Did You Know the Flow of Time Sitting by the River Side? Mahaparinirvana and the Simplicity of a Boundless Beauty

10th Century Sculpture of Buddha showing the stages of His Life ending with Mahaparinirvana
The Hindu Cosmic Creation painting miniature
Buddhist Deity with her entourage

When you sit by the river side, when you sit by the river, silently looking into the reflections, do you feel that the cogniser, the cognised, and, the cognition are different from you? Can you separate the triad? Can you use your own being to become this whole spectacle: the rivers, the mountains, the birds, trees, and, also the erudition of the scriptures, and, books, the dharmakaya and the body of Buddha , the desire for enlightenment? Can you dissolve or take it back again into that void where absence and presence have no meaning of their own, where ownership is lost and the author is dead? What is known and what is unknown?

Does it need syllogisms – the logical supersymmetry to gaze into the monsoon clouds that will bring rice and paddy, barley and wheat, a treat for those who are living and partly living by the scholastic erudition of their own slaving ego? At dusk light, I felt the river didn’t move, the birds were almost made of glassy citrine, jade and lapis lazuli? Do dreams cross over to death’s Twilight Kingdom, the magic serpents disappearing into an ocean of timeless spaceless domain that is not contained by anything, in that profound absence the only presence of these awareness that I am Not ….kindled the light that has no shadows to complement it

Vishnu, 11th Century Vijayanagar Empire
Parvati, Granite sculpture 10th Century

Do you call it an experience? When the experiencer and the experienced and experience itself have dissolved into that no-thing leaving only scriptures or dharmakaya that are of no use unless you have lived the life of a mountain with carious teeth in an act of simultaneity with the burning forests, and, rolling of broken toys after the city was bombed again and again? Did you lend you hand to offer some daisies and carnation to the weeping child, the lonely father or to those digging up bodies in a heap of ruins? Are you the photographer of the leading daily? Are you the author of another book? Are you the one who sat by the Mediterranean and saw civilizations come and go? Are you Tiresias with wrinkled skin? Are you the Seer, the Man of the Old Mountains who has become Mt Kailash and the reflection of all birds in the lakes of Kashmir? Who are you that gave dreams and deep sleep to all these beings? Who are you that creates and destroys in a harmonious sequence that can only exist with my own existence?

The fading of its ownness started as the rivers disappeared into the ocean where the churning of the milk bacame the fire-ether vastness that produced time’s ergonomic scriptures to engage with these objects, these apparent beings….

One into the another, each collapsing into its next higher segment till nothing remained to be spoken or seen

And the story ended on its own

Children are like that….they often forget what they want to say, but, there is no confusion of words like in the Tower of Babel, the sounds were crystal like diamonds and milky white like the pearls in the memory of the river…..Do you understand before it’s understood by any Other…

Watch “Pink Floyd’ Childhood’s End: The Frozen Guilds of Time as seen from a Mothership” on YouTube

Childhood’s End appeared in Pink Floyd’s album Obscured By Clouds recorded in France for La Vallee movie. The title is from Arthur C. Clark’s sci-fi book by the same name …

Buddha Purnima 2023: The Meeting of Thinking Minds that Transform the World

The Exchange : Dr Madhu Khanna Dr. Robert Thurman
Medicine Buddha Chanting and Pink Floyd’s 1967 See Emily Play or Free Games For May

When Buddha post enlightenment was walking towards Sarnath, he confronted a shepherd boy who asked him “what are you?” The local village boy was enchanted by the aura which Buddha had, the boy couldn’t help but ask this question what are you? And, not, who are you? The boy further asked Are you God, an Angel or a human being? The answer, amidst the surrounding silence, could break through the skies and the thunder on the mountains, “no I am Buddha – the Awakened One”. The Awakened One is also the Tenth Man of the Upanishads, not a man, but, just a referral point towards an identity which cannot be objectivised at all, and “it is only with total humility, and in absolute stillness of mind that we can know what indeed we are”.
What we are, what each sentient being is, as This-Here-Now, is intemporal I. This introduction was necessary to understand the value of the 2 day Global Buddhist Summit inaugurated by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi last month in New Delhi at the prestigious Ashoka Hotel. Eminent Buddhist Monks, Scholars and Delegates from all parts of the world gathered together to celebrate this event. As the Union Culture Minister G Kishan Reddy said scholars and researchers, ambassadors and diplomats from different countries gets a chance to celebrate the historical event of Buddha’s enlightenment in India and the event hold by Union Ministry of Culture together with International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) will mark a beginning of such events. From South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Russia – researchers and monk-scholars were present to grace the event – a Meeting of Thinking-Minds was initiated.
It was also a chance to share ideas, cultural iconographic historical exchanges, the symbolism that migrated to different countries from either North of India or the South of India, accumulating country specific rituals and practices, like Zen in Japan or Mindfulness in Vietnam or USA, each contributing to the process of enlightenment in a seamlessly beautiful way.
One such meeting of high value was between Robert Alexander Farrar Thurman (born August 3, 1941) , better known as one of the legendary American Buddhist author and academic on Tibetan Buddhism, the Je Tsongkhapa Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and Dr. Madhu Khanna, Indian scholar with PhD from Oxford University on Indology /Religious Studies, Prof. Of Indic Religion, Tagore National Fellow at National Museum, New Delhi and Former Director, Centre for the Study of Comparative Religion and Civilizations, Jamia Millia Islamia, Academic Council Member of Nalanda University and Founding Member of Tantra Foundation.
The meeting of minds – thinking aloud and exchange of books is a part of a much larger process of cosmic reorganisation, seen in a miniature, often, misunderstood, is fractal embedding of energy and consciousness – synergetics, as Buckminster Fuller, the great Mathematician would have defined, in a VE – vector equilibrium or when the void is voided, in a continual flow-form which are these exchanges as the holomovement of physicist David Bohm.
In such a field, poetry and music confront history of tantra in a fractal iconography of Tibetan Buddhism or the origins of enlightenment in India, the inverted tree which branches down and roots gliding above the skies.

We are very grateful from Tantra Foundation to have been able to to document this meeting between Robert Thurman and Madhu Khanna.We are also thankful to Robert for his kind blessings 🙏 to us to carry forward the work.

– JRC Tantra Foundation

Medicine Buddha, Tibetan Painting
L-R: Dr. Madhu Khanna and Prof. Rober Thurman
Robert Thurman and Dr. Madhu Khanna at the Buddhist Summit in New Delhi 2023