Five-Faced Time and Picasso: The Subjective Alter of Quantum Hyperspace in the Integral Yoga of Light Revelation

Pablo Picasso

“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth” – Pablo Picasso


In a world of real differentials the actual is a relational constant of the mind’s pure will destiny. Intelligent devices perform better

superform of mind is an intelligent tortoise who cuts shapes and sizes in magical precision to make an invisible collage of ideas that can buy consciousness

minds, therefore, not adapters but buyers

a buyer of consciousness, in quantum retrocausal meta-logic sub-field

Thoughts streaming as photons through the glass,

Wide angle lens

Objects as digital engrams in a cloud cluster mobile device

Terminating eternal suffering

In the megalith of glass

Reflecting from Guernica the horse and the bull

Dead tree and the causal leaves


Alone in the meditating circle

A passion to lie, to unveil

That is not that is

Becta-Jajix-Progress in Darkness

Internal-Combustion within the Diametrical Diamond Flowering the Five-Headed Time

To enter the vision of all-absolute


– Joy Roy Choudhury