Pre-Linguistic Transformation of Thought Encoded Pattern in our Mathematical Universe: Interactive Grid that Superimposes Various Sound Frequencies with Light Signal Absorption

Sri Aurobindo circa. 1950

Sri Aurobindo circa. 1950



THE OBSERVER IS THE OBSERVED  – J Krishnamurti /Ojai, California, 1946

Pre-Linguistic Transformation of Thought encoded Pattern in our Mathematical Universe: Interactive Grid that Superimposes Various Sound Frequencies with Light Signal Absorption


“Our destiny is written in double terms:                                       

The Ending of Time J Krishnamurti and David Bohm

The Ending of Time J Krishnamurti and David Bohm

Through Nature’s contraries we draw nearer God;

Out of darkness we still grow to light.

Death is our road to immortality”.

–   Book VI Canto I, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo


“Both paths (science and spirituality) may be leading toward a third point, and that third point is what I am at present…not exactly studying I am rather in quest of it- the point where the two paths merge into a third that would be the true Thing….That’s what Sri Aurobindo means.

And perhaps not merely seeking- we may be taking part in the Making of it…Something none can yet imagine, for so far it hasn’t come into being. It is an expression yet to come”.

(Mother or the New Species II, Satprem)

“The sun is continually radiating neutrinos , produced when protons turn into neutrons in the nuclear reactions in the sun’s core; these neutrinos shine down on us during the day and shine up on us at night, when the sun is on the other side of the earth, because the earth is utterly transparent to them”. – The First Three Minutes – Steven Weinberg


 For every sound there is another sound unmanifest – The Silence   

Sage Agasthiyar or Agastya from Sirius B

Sage Agasthiyar or Agastya from Sirius B

For every sound there is the manifest letter

It absorbs the photons in a geometric hologram

Pointed like a star, shaped like the sun

It flickered across vast empty spaces

In and out, in-in-out-out-and-out-and-further-in

It demonstrated an unintelligible pattern of things

There were no thoughts neither the volition of will force

Ageless as it was withdrawing in that single pointless curvature

Many waves will comes and pass, roll over the immenstitude

Twilight hummed against the great throbbing of one heart

To that existence is an occult occurrence

A single event horizon unguarded by mysteries

It shrouded the non-local point of singularity

There is innocence before an observable experience

A quality born out of the predestined book

It had many chapters arranged segued to spinning vortex

And there were no signs on it

Vertically no signs on it

A blank wall covered the chink of the sky

The river’s earthen floor was a substitute for that kinetic rupture of zero

A loud bang…cones of light triggered another dream epiphany

It was trans-substantiated by many operator symbols

An algebraic verisimilitude for the geometric design of many dimensions

Eternities born from iternity playing with non-iternity self dissolution into zero

Gathering knowledge out of ignorance and looking at the mirror direct

It reflected back the ignorance and looking further it saw nothing at all

Where did it disappear – does the fabric of space on imagination points hide quantum wormholes

What grounds the stability of these cosmic escape routes?

Does negative time ever exist? /Drenin String Theory (+1 x -1 =0 /dedral wemturnboat zero after friqual infinite time {loxortegat-yugas} to create negative time which to us an illusion) /Ethical purity of the Will-force via Yatra down the Surrender Event Horizon

Ancient yugas collapse into new E8 virtual – TIME TO MEET THE MASTER OF ALL REALMS PHYSICALLY AND NON-PHYSICALLY (Isotropic Supramental Vision – Supra-Levo-Supermind/Optramind converges

Fly into that tunnel                                                         

Yakov Zeldovich, Physicist and Cosmologist

Yakov Zeldovich, Physicist and Cosmologist

Origin is vast not quantized

Pre-origin to origin is

That’s where dark matter and dark energy originate

On the milky ocean’s floor

There is a door

To the home where all universes meet

Farther from here…

85tpr-mind-dwelling-non-dual causal womb

All converging into it and evolve mathematically

Significant nothing you may call

Pulses floating amongst the giggle of dolphins

And the child read letters from that blank page torn

Making gestures that warped space and time

Evening crawled beneath the feet of the stars

And all went off to sleep in that tranquil time…


– J




Five-Faced Time and Picasso: The Subjective Alter of Quantum Hyperspace in the Integral Yoga of Light Revelation

Pablo Picasso

“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth” – Pablo Picasso


In a world of real differentials the actual is a relational constant of the mind’s pure will destiny. Intelligent devices perform better

superform of mind is an intelligent tortoise who cuts shapes and sizes in magical precision to make an invisible collage of ideas that can buy consciousness

minds, therefore, not adapters but buyers

a buyer of consciousness, in quantum retrocausal meta-logic sub-field

Thoughts streaming as photons through the glass,

Wide angle lens

Objects as digital engrams in a cloud cluster mobile device

Terminating eternal suffering

In the megalith of glass

Reflecting from Guernica the horse and the bull

Dead tree and the causal leaves


Alone in the meditating circle

A passion to lie, to unveil

That is not that is

Becta-Jajix-Progress in Darkness

Internal-Combustion within the Diametrical Diamond Flowering the Five-Headed Time

To enter the vision of all-absolute


– Joy Roy Choudhury

Wassily Kandinsky’s Around the Circle and The Absolute In-Quest of the Mind in the Parabrahman-Circle (To Find Exact Truth Shape)

Around the Circle, Wassily Kandinsky,Guggenheim Museum, New York

“I applied streaks and blobs of color onto the canvas with a palette knife and I made them sing with all the intensity I could…” -Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

If colours fill the mind’s radiating canvas
Then objects come in to live in the meta-space of subjectivity
That quantum hyperspace is a dense forest full of a ring of star-shaped possibilities /wave of possibilities
Time immobile function in the prism automates the anahata chakra of the heart
The will is a dimensionless entity – non-local and discontinuous, within a tangled circle
You will, therefore, you exist in your free-state
You will, so, you change
You are forever
You are ever forever
You are, therefore, not
And verily you are not.
(The Absolute In-Quest of the Mind in the Parabrahman Circle)
Truth operation = case index of 55-creation-55 is grativ-grativ-grativ
Exact truth shape (YYR) = 1 and 1 before 1
– Joy Roy Choudhury

The Kinematics of Lunar-Spring Consciousness and the Meditative Reflexes of Future Poetry



Lunar-Spring Consciousness, Samij Datta, 2012

The Kinematics of Lunar-Spring Consciousness and the Meditative Reflexes of Future Poetry


Patches of sky green fields and the river

Poetry is a straight line woven from the supermind

Xenon-calf Zarathustra , fire is fire to sacred waters on the sea

Anander giripath diye hete jay din

Days walk on the mountains of joy

The lyrical sacrosanct of all this is the Hari Purusha

I see myself reflected in the things I know

Quantum-meon domain, one with the other, the other is one

The other is the zero engulfing all

Akhenaten meditating on the spiral galaxies

Grey Ohms memory calls her, his queen, the Nefertiti

Words are unknown to her silence is the mother of all chaos

Republic formed from her primal inception of the unmanifest quanta

She was an ontological truth-table on matter and consciousness

Matter earns consciousness as bliss

That’s when reflected back earns matter as consciousness

Through the Vora-gate the creation learns to exchange information as packets of energy

From me to him, to her and to them and into the vessel of delight! Parame!

– Joy Roy Choudhury









In the Eggcaziz of a Dream Inside the Ziwi Starship from Sirius B: Matter as Consciousness as Consciousness as Matter.



Sirius B, Samij Datta, 2012

In the Eggcaziz of a Dream Inside the Ziwi Starship from Sirius B: Matter as Consciousness as Consciousness as Matter.


Living circles of zero tapestry in the monastery of the reptiles

Flames are conquered by silent walking in the interstellar space

Caught a glimpse of the networks Rawis-Rewa-Utah and others

The vernal equinox is a configuration time

Leaves are solemnized by the beautiful petals of Ra-Harakhte flowers

Offered their friendship and love to eternity

To the X from the Z through the Ra-Ro-Re-Isis

Once she painted the circle with the lava from a crater

And thought she poured Antarctica into the hole

Dreams took their shelter in the Sirius B of the Dogons

Archetypes emerging from the point of Alblackica

Days were nights of the Easter thinking like a tree and smelling like the jasmine

Cups paled in heavy weight of the micro-gravity pressure up and beyond

From the Dogpluon Ziwi Starship Yanumbha Kaal rotator circular disc descending.

– Joy Roy Choudhury