“Within You Without You”: The Musical Journey of Pandit Ravi Shankar Through These Years (1920-2012)

Ravi Shankar (1920-2012): A Journey in Music Through These Years

Ravi Shankar (1920-2012): A Journey in Music Through These Years

“When you’ve seen beyond yourself-then you may find, peace of mind,

Is waiting there-

And the time will come when you see

We’re all one, and life flows on within you and without you”.

  – “Within You Without You”, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Beatles, 1967 (lyrics: George Harrison)


Music is the heart of the soul

Strings of sitar touching the feet of the Lord in things

It flows ubiquitously into the sea of void to touch the lapping silence of the light

In between all that, ‘this is that’ in him to be ‘it’ in that Malhar raga

The banks of Varanasi offering thy homage

To that divine inspiration that taught through the years

In that beautiful voyage in the 60s

Harrison, Yehudi, John and Phillip and all other distinct faces of the time

Carrying that boat on the river within them to light the last source of the sun

So tomorrow is a brighter day for those who travel into other worlds

The hidden spark of the Brahman giving wisdom from the depths of consciousness

To create that aura of undying music            

Ravi and George: The East is West in the West of East

Ravi and George: The East is West in the West of East

Not for once – but again and again

To be retold in the past coming back from the future

So we live with it as our very own – connecting with it

As music flows like thy peace melting bondage into paradise

Chanting the numbers of future explorations

For a beautiful world to be won in peace.


 – Joy Roy Choudhury

Five-Faced Time and Picasso: The Subjective Alter of Quantum Hyperspace in the Integral Yoga of Light Revelation

Pablo Picasso

“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth” – Pablo Picasso


In a world of real differentials the actual is a relational constant of the mind’s pure will destiny. Intelligent devices perform better

superform of mind is an intelligent tortoise who cuts shapes and sizes in magical precision to make an invisible collage of ideas that can buy consciousness

minds, therefore, not adapters but buyers

a buyer of consciousness, in quantum retrocausal meta-logic sub-field

Thoughts streaming as photons through the glass,

Wide angle lens

Objects as digital engrams in a cloud cluster mobile device

Terminating eternal suffering

In the megalith of glass

Reflecting from Guernica the horse and the bull

Dead tree and the causal leaves


Alone in the meditating circle

A passion to lie, to unveil

That is not that is

Becta-Jajix-Progress in Darkness

Internal-Combustion within the Diametrical Diamond Flowering the Five-Headed Time

To enter the vision of all-absolute


– Joy Roy Choudhury

Laser Wave Packets in the Willow of Time Calling Krishna by the Hour-Moun Acceleration of Alblackica Rhyme

Laser Wave Packets, Samij Datta, 2012

Laser Wave Packets in the Willow of Time calling Krishna by the Hour-Moun Acceleration of Alblackica Rhyme (Triple Transformation Process)


“The shadow of the dome of pleasure

Floated midway on the waves;

Where was heard the mingled measure

From the fountain and the caves.

It was a miracle of rare device,

A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!”-  Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Antelopes of time run on machine-head eternity

Laser drops down the voodoo star into an ocean cusp of medusa

Sacred bohemian arbour of green solitude secluded from the zoo

There lies the true depth of matter’s spiritual ecstasy

Cytokinesis in eukaryotes is translational acceleration of Krishna as Sat Hari Om Chakra Time

Razder lions on laser xylofanes compacted Bauquitra octets

Earth matter consciousness is bliss that flowers worship of love

In the diary of the dead, the footmarks of the present are already there in the future stars

Sand blows with sand to cast its shadow on the hydro-liquid base of micro-gravity webula

Cubes of conevaxness are anti-matter consciousness of trageth-alblackica time.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: Sanga Choeling Monastery, Picture, Joy Roy Choudhury.

The Sanga Choeling Monastery, also spelt Sange Choeling Monastery, established in the 17th century by Lama Lhatsun Chempo, is one of the oldest monasteries in the Northeast Indian state of Sikkim. The literal meaning of Sanga Choeling is the “island of esoteric teaching”. The Monastery is located on a ridge top above Pelling at a distance of 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) from Pemayangtse Monastery and is accessed by walking the steep hilly track of 4 kilometres (2.5 mi), which traverses through rich forest cover. (Source Wikipedia)

The Time-Ship of Eclectic Voyages in the Sap-Green Incident Wave Formed by the United-Day Matter Consciousness

Tribal Art, 2012, Bengal

The Time-Ship of Eclectic Voyages in the Sap-Green Incident Wave Formed by the United-Day Matter Consciousness


Ivanhoe in the hour of the Alblackica dawn saw the revelation of the tree in the flame of night-illuminated birds of heaven finding their dance in the social-networking pages of Facebook twitters and in the primeval android machinery projected from outer space in the fabric of an indigenous homogenous culture by the teeth-aum of the zabber-moun; if dance is a form through which the in-Q-self of the rural-cosmopolitan expresses itself then dying is an old fashioned clothe of  novelty which has no further points in the meaning of human evolution, and, if death is later conquered by the dissolving electroplates of Alblackica then in the strangest harmony of love, ‘all day I dream about sport’, jumping into rivers of joy and swinging from tree to tree to squeeze the mango from the jelly-beans of the mind and let the pulp-seed be the frictionless self of another union of the stars in the zatter and in the vatter of the ancient matter ;

Savitri-mawa-Savitri in the jocund hours of the Ashwapati dream recognizes the dialogue of the hare with the fishing rods and with the sodium salt-plates and the sea; the Amazon readers are riding the sun-vehicles in the xenon-axis of a Porsche to turn the irrelevance into the passion-fruit of a new life and a new race; Saul Bellow was a good writer Paul De Mann in the hours of the cow eating the Hydroxide ions of Venezuela? In the rabbit-fur of the Eskimo, the moon was a dreaming harp of spaceship voyages in the Exazit-Acunva-Boxez-Time, octazimtod is dexanvucas as dexanvucas is octzimtod, the leafy glass-blade of changeless state was chanting the hymns to Strindberg, Apollo and Dionysius; honor is an isotope of radium double spin on single back-spin clockwise north-south on the 7-quaking aspens of the honorificabilitudinitatibus ; the fire was the eucalyptus of the Dogon tribe in the zeta-nuclei of the dwarf star.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: Tribal Art (Patachitra/Bengal 2012/Village Artist)

Porsche Ad from the Internet Archives

Netaji’s 115th Birth Anniversary, 23th Jan 2012: Divine Mother’s Consciousness In the Light of the Coming Time- The Final Purushottam Lila

Netaji’s 115th Birth Anniversary, 23th Jan 2012: Divine Mother’s Consciousness In the Light of the Coming Time- The Final Purushottam Lila 


A pure reflection of what we stand for our courage

Glasses stand for classes that do not exist

Although they exist in the intellectual virtuosity of the rational mind

But those who stand above in the clear consciousness of the being

For them man is equal to man and shall be to the divine

For the divine only spells the need for a classless being

In the dome celestial autonomy of a higher magnitude

Strength of knowledge and pure heart can win back and write the order of a new destiny

There syllables are the link with the past and the future

Mahabharata written many times in the handbook of the master’s soliloquy

The chariot wheels have fastened the words faster than time

And in the logbook of the eternity the dead is not dead

Neither frozen like the stars few million light years away

Vermillion stains on the bark tree-time                                                  

Can chant the mantra of the oblivious seed

But on the seashore sands the alphabets of man’s freedom

Await the journey of the final light

The sun was a shadow at the time of eclipse

The ravens only saw the tentacles of the crawling night

But none saw beauty’s petals that composed the lines on a fair dreaming horizon

It was the colors and music that gave birth to the grasses for harvesting a new life

Changes conquer the fallen world the consciousness ripens the truth

And in the yellow submarine of the Parabrahman Lila

The sky was the blue beak of a green alter of space, man the bird was finally free!

Jay Jesus, Hari Om Tat Sat (3x)

Om namo Bhagavate (3x)

– Joy Roy Choudhury