Zanfax Creative-Time 35 mm Leica Camera b/w = 1st Flash of the Childhood Dream in Ishwara’s Purna-Kshetra (Cloudsoup Analogous Rainbow.Space)

Zanfax Creative-Time 35 mm Leica Camera b/w  = 1st Flash of the Childhood Dream in Ishwara’s Purna-Kshetra (Cloudsoup Analogous Rainbow.Space)


Children over a Fibonacci Spiral Staircase by Henri Cartier-Bresson circa 1900

Children over a Fibonacci Spiral Staircase by Henri Cartier-Bresson circa 1900


Who is there standing on the line?        

Photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson Children Playing Football in Madrid, Spain circa 1933

Photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson Children Playing Football in Madrid, Spain circa 1933

Children are fine

They are flying kites

They must die on the sand

Their shadows disappear and wane

Are we all insane?

The red face of the sun will forgive soon

And beget another child

Lie down and mime

Who else is there standing on the line?

Children are fine

They are making those paper boats

They must die on the sand

Waves toss their bodies and fly

Cry alone slumber awhile

Become melodies that Wagner didn’t preconceive   

Photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson Russian Child Released from Concentration Camp, Dessau, Germany circa 1945

Photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson Russian Child Released from Concentration Camp, Dessau, Germany circa 1945

Replicate new Guernica

Raven’s claws covered the sky

Darkness came before the light

And fear imprisoned every existence

Etherized the skull

Nailed the bones 

Little soul, still hangs in the air

Treads on the piano

Like a drop of water perambulating on a lotus leaf

Bids goodbye to your world

Another day

Someone else will die

Maybe, this time Isaac will fall from the sky

And his toys kissed by a pool of blood

Price you pay for this damn redemption?

A bundle of limbs roll on the ground

They roll underground

Tumble down

Over and over again

Like a memorandum of understanding

Who knows what and when and who signed the deal?

What rubber stamp impinged on the bosom of earth?

Stars fizzle out and die

And the whole universe restarts again

Blessings from the Svetaketu…from Ashtabakra

From Inzarbruhemkaev

He the child of the rainbow heart will speak soon…


– J



Five-Faced Time and Picasso: The Subjective Alter of Quantum Hyperspace in the Integral Yoga of Light Revelation

Pablo Picasso

“Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth” – Pablo Picasso


In a world of real differentials the actual is a relational constant of the mind’s pure will destiny. Intelligent devices perform better

superform of mind is an intelligent tortoise who cuts shapes and sizes in magical precision to make an invisible collage of ideas that can buy consciousness

minds, therefore, not adapters but buyers

a buyer of consciousness, in quantum retrocausal meta-logic sub-field

Thoughts streaming as photons through the glass,

Wide angle lens

Objects as digital engrams in a cloud cluster mobile device

Terminating eternal suffering

In the megalith of glass

Reflecting from Guernica the horse and the bull

Dead tree and the causal leaves


Alone in the meditating circle

A passion to lie, to unveil

That is not that is

Becta-Jajix-Progress in Darkness

Internal-Combustion within the Diametrical Diamond Flowering the Five-Headed Time

To enter the vision of all-absolute


– Joy Roy Choudhury

Retro Causal Plane and Opium Cubism of Imaginative Flight-Depths

Ether Geometry, Samij Datta, 2012

Retro Causal Plane and Opium Cubism of Imaginative Flight-Depths


The mad man ate the marshmallows

Green blue red and yellow

He wrote a script on them for Heraclitus but showed it to Omar Khayyam

Analytical models each behaving dimensionless unbounded by space-time

They laughed when he skewed the horizon over the visionless Alblackica sea

Picasso was a strong man who etched a palimpsest on to collage fixations

And erected Guernica from pregnant heart of a broken metaphor

They talked to the endless stars a chain within a chain terminating nowhere

Illusions disappeared from the roots of gravity

Diomedes in the tail of Denebola riding the occult geometric device

On the super trail of Deneb and Altair

Silence marks the beginning of time

And the quarks are invisible in opium frenzy

Auto-didactic De Quincey on the prime elevators of graviton centrifuge

To rule is to define the order of subatomic reality

Thinking leads to geometric abstractions ethereal and monotheistic

Consciousness leads to pure perception of things

Thinking with Consciousness leads to opium cubism – a kind of elevated program

That was art as science through the double pin-holes of Promethean camera reflecting consciousness to advance humanity

Create new ethics of ethereal hyper-solids and use their relative positions and vibrations

Community endorses the green-leaf design, dabbing paint with sky, ether, wishful-thinking, and light

Imagination is a vector-bird of the creational salt-plate

Consciousness-grid maps are working for the creation

To earth is earth a joyful time in the eye of the seer.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

The Music in ‘Arms and The Man’ is the Cross-Syllogistic Pattern of High-Phonetic Peace in the Radar of Einstein

The Music in ‘Arms and The Man’ is the Cross-Syllogistic Pattern of High-Phonetic Peace in the Radar of Einstein


The quadraphonic sound-mystery in the coherent quadrupole-octupole motion is the binneal catalyst of life and beyond; what’s beyond the surreal mirror of Salvador Dali is a hexatet function of time in the stars; god does not play dice in the loaded fulcrum of the mind’s thesis, the music is the profound analogue of the vast earings of the sun caught by the camera width-length of the moon’s analogical grammar after Sunday breakfasts and in rainy afternoons; we have passed our silent speech and judgement in the winter terminals of bosons and fermions measuring their angular momentum by the hypodermis of spatial contagion, how sad it is to feel trapped between the logic of our brains, ‘how dull it is to pause, to make an end. To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!’

After the quasicondensation, all that were rolled into the pathways of Alblackica, turned the germ-seed of divine propensity into recognised quanta of light photo-sensitive particles, shimmering like wavicles in the 2-qubit NMR systems that felt charcoal as ashes in the evolution of matter into higher forms of zatter and katter. Time remembers how often we cycle round the spheres as monometers picking up ‘Nuit et Brouillard’ and raising signs of a change with-change to alter what we have defined in the poetry or prose of Dante Alighieri and enact the final commedia in front of the raging bulls and dead-horses of Guernica : history is the sign-language of the signs the Peloponnesian molybdenum isomerizing the hymns to the arabic praises for the ninth-moon octet of the sun; nevasto oktamin alca oktamin Romeo-Juliet couplet…richness of life is measured by the vision you have and the consciousness you remit.

– Joy Roy Choudhury

Ref: ‘Arms and the Man, by GB Shaw; ‘How dull it is to pause, to make an end.
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!’ – Ulysses, Alfred, Lord Tennyson; ‘Nuit et Brouillard’/’Night and Fog’ (1955)- Documentary Film by Alain Resnais