Jane Birkin, the Famous British Actress and Model Known to be the Creator of the Legendary Birkin Bag by Hermes, passes away in Paris at the age of 76 (14.12.1946 – 16.07.2023)

Jane Birkin, British Actress, Model in a photoshoot
Jane Birkin, the classic 60s style she embodies
Jean Birkin (1946-2023)

The quietness of the Last Breath

Often resembles a new leaf 🌿 on the branch

Bold and quiet

It leaves nothing behind It Blows Up cities, the endless tirades against an innocent demiurge

London, Paris, NY, Milan : cities where the wildflower is not anymore a plastic thing , a reality yet not understood by a deceiving race …sometimes flying in the airplane she may have discovered a new trend….Across the Universe …..they have planted new seeds within an atomic noosphere

To get to the door that opens to the vastness and wideness of the sky

Cities that shelter or unfold the myriad memories of a girl

The camera eye that swirls with black and white and cosmic colours in their nudeness in the void, not empty, but, swelling like a mountain river that knows it’s way,

The glossy pages of a magazine in the stands are now documents of history

Read or unread by time itself Somewhere the last page of her life breathes a new birth A freedom that can never extinct the spirit of Beauty

Her eyelids are far more truthful than the words of a singer or the canvas of an artist …it is so because everything is left in awareness alone, the Beatles, the lover, the fashion, the Birkin bag and the legacy

As if the world is fine tuned to conceive another step in the evolution

A bold one, like Jane…

The last breath could be the new beginning of a style, a psychedelic flora cups the light of the farthest stars in a moment of truth Let her rest in peace

All that eternity could be here, and now….

Jay Guru Deva Om (3x) Across the Universe, The Beatles

Le calme du Dernier Souffle

Ressemble souvent à une nouvelle feuille 🌿 sur la branche

Audacieux et silencieux

Ça ne laisse rien derrière Ça explose les villes, les interminables tirades contre un innocent démiurge

Londres, Paris, NY, Milan : des villes où la fleur sauvage n'est plus une chose en plastique, une réalité encore incomprise par une race trompeuse…parfois en volant dans l'avion elle a peut-être découvert une nouvelle tendance….A travers l'Univers…..ils ont planté de nouvelles graines dans une noosphère atomique

Pour arriver à la porte qui s'ouvre sur l'immensité et la largeur du ciel

Des villes qui abritent ou déploient les myriades de souvenirs d'une fille

L'œil de la caméra qui tourbillonne de noir et blanc et de couleurs cosmiques dans leur nudité dans le vide, pas vide, mais, gonflant comme une rivière de montagne qui connaît son chemin,

Les pages glacées d'un magazine dans les gradins sont désormais des documents d'histoire

Lue ou non lue par le temps lui-même Quelque part la dernière page de sa vie respire une nouvelle naissance Une liberté qui ne pourra jamais éteindre l'esprit de la Beauté

Ses paupières sont bien plus véridiques que les mots d'un chanteur ou la toile d'un artiste… c'est parce que tout est laissé à la seule conscience, les Beatles, l'amant, la mode, le sac Birkin et l'héritage

Comme si le monde s'affinait pour concevoir une nouvelle étape dans l'évolution

Un audacieux, comme Jane…

Le dernier souffle pourrait être le nouveau départ d'un style, une flore psychédélique coupe la lumière des étoiles les plus éloignées dans un moment de vérité Laisse-la reposer en paix

Toute cette éternité pourrait être ici, et maintenant….

Jay Guru Deva Om (3x) À travers l'univers, les Beatles
Jane with the Beatles

Easy Riders Virtual Lives EP Release July 2023: A Review

When I spoke with Sumit, the frontman and, lead guitarist and composer of the band Easy Riders, that has been on the road since late 1990’s before the digital revolution, he said: “there’s a lot of flexibility in playing in a trio band with a bassist and a drummer, and, a lead guitarist because one can play as one wants”. To create the charm of a strange trip and wander into Alice’s land, one needs imagination and freedom, at the same  time, technical virtuosity to implement it day in a day out at live performances. Easy Riders from Kolkata, is not a traditional band in any sense, their lyrics is very magical that often confronts the past living in the present, a relativistic adventure into an unknown territory much like Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle where the possibilities are very much seeded in the beginning when the band started jamming on their own. When Sumit started the evening at Someplace Else on 8th July to commemorate their three track 20 minutes EP with a live performance of their track “Sweet Leaf Like Thing”, the audience didnt  know which way this would go as the band made it a point that they will play tracks differently every time they go live, something which Grateful Dead and Phish had done in the past. An instrumental piece to be included in a three track EP, is a courageous act in itself, and, Sumit always had the full repertoire to play bluesy, jazzy, and even folk rock – a combination of different sounds. An avid listener is often mesmerised because it seems they have heard it somewhere – it’s embedded in their neurons – an artwork of many styles encrypted, something one has heard in the past like a passed-on CSNY bootleg, or, a Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Maha Vishnu Orchestra and Dave Matthews live record, but, still distinctively original, where Sumit’s lead guitar would create a wonderful space where Soumyajit, the eclectic bassist, and Arka, the drummer, would ease into their acts, playing a pretty thing, that takes off your mundane load, rambling into a “Stange Land” – “Yes, I was in a strange land, I would like to go back there if I can, I felt like, little hobbit there”. A lyrical charm that often reminds one of the psychedelic era – is it the same quantum weirdness in the lyrics that Grace Slick so mastered in the White Rabbit song one really doesn’t know, but, the certainty of Easy Riders music is that you have something you can connect with irrespective of space and time, either, you are growing up or feeling bluesy about the past you have traversed : ” I have been walking a while now, up the winding road, hoping to lose this city, hoping to shed my load”. (Mr. Mountain, Easy Riders)

Soumyajit playing eclectic base
Sumit with his “Sweet Leaf Like Thing”
Arka, the drummer playing with a soulful  energy
Easy Riders with their fans
Sumit, lead guitar, vocals, Easy Riders

Reviewing a 20 minutes listening time Virtual Lives EP released this month by Easy Riders would have been very easy thing to do, but, it isn’t since ticking the boxes and giving them 8/10 is not really doing justice to their musical endeavour. They have been there in this music scene before the digital era began, in the late 90s, and, often bands get lost as we have seen in the past because music demands a change based on the listeners choice or preferences. But they have evolved as a band, no doubt, but, the music they jammed in their heydays is the same music they are doing even now, their ideology of playing long instrumental sessions coupled with songs with vocal harmonies, bluesy riffs and a structured bass rhythm and drumming pattern remaining much the same, albeit in a refined way, and, the alchemy happens spontaneously where they play differently each time they hit the stage. This defining music – to create a genre of its own, is a very hard thing to do these days, and, it all goes back to being open to various influences, either, eastern or western, to come up with something as original as what Easy Riders have done – they don’t compromise with their music. They play with passion, they have brilliant ideas (time signatures, harmonies contrapuntal ) which they execute in a fresh way, their music really makes one fall in love with music more. I would recommend every listener to hear their EP Virtual Lives, which is available online, listen to them patiently and you will be hooked on to their type of music.

The pictures of the band published here are from their recent performance at the Someplace Else, the Park for the launch of their EP Virtual Lives, credit to Spandan Roy Choudhury for the pics.


– Joy Roy Choudhury

Easy Riders at the EP Launch Virtual Lives at Someplace Else, The Park, 8th July 2023

Watch “Pink Floyd’ Childhood’s End: The Frozen Guilds of Time as seen from a Mothership” on YouTube

Childhood’s End appeared in Pink Floyd’s album Obscured By Clouds recorded in France for La Vallee movie. The title is from Arthur C. Clark’s sci-fi book by the same name …