French Filmmaker Aurelia Mengin’s “Scarlet Blue” In The MEMORY Of Her Father Takes A Journey Into The New Aesthetics Of Cinema With Surreal Art, Mysticism And Self-Discovery

Filmmaker Aurelia Mengin (L) with actresses Patricia BARZYK (plays the role of Mother) and Anne Sophie Charron
Aurelia Mengin on her film Scarlet Blue: Art, Mysticism, Existential Reality and the Feminine Intuition
Scarlet Blue team: with Daniel Santini, colourist, Bruno Gautier, Editor, Emmanuel Bonami, actor and SYLVAIN Rodriguez , DOP
Aurelia Mengin (extreme Right) With Sound Designer Nicolas Luquet
Aurelia Mengin, Director of Scarlet Blue
Interview with French Filmmaker Aurelia Mengin
Aurelia Mengin at French Premiere of her film Scarlet Blue, Paris, March, 2024

Scarlet Blue Team

French Filmmaker, Aurelia Mengin talks about her vision about  aesthetics of new cinema that has blend of surreal art, mysticism, boredom and healing to rediscover the identity of a reality that the camera seeks to narrate creating meta-discourses within the boundaries of a localised space. Her influence ranging from Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali to Jean-luc-Godard, the impact of art scenes, their corresponding movements, albeit symbolic, in poetry, photography and cinema, the semiotics of a synthesis between the Parisian life and the quaint tropical French Reunion, where she grew up as a child, with its queer talismanic beliefs, idiosyncrasies, and, almost an irrational randomness so peculiar to its originality, which in a way intersects with the conformal fashionable chic of the Parisian Salons, is a thread that she explores in a language of feminine intuition, asking questions or deconstructing paradigms a la Jacques Derrida, is a long lineage that puts the ideals of freedom and promise, like post-impressionist Paul Gauguin experienced in the late nineteenth century among the Tahitian in French Polynesia. In Aurelia’s own words surreal art deeply impacted her visualisation narratives, themes and the tonality of her cinema, her father, late Vincent Mengin-Lecreulx, who was one of her biggest inspiration, the reason why she ran after the camera, was himself a surreal painter who left Paris and lived in the Reunion to find a dream that may be discontinuous amidst the serial circularity of a existential time.

France 24 : Aurelia Mengin on her Film Scarlet Blue

– JRC, Artist, Art &  Film Critic, Musician International Communications, Author and Researcher on Consciousness contact

Self-Illumination as an Act of Artistic Resonance

What is artistic resonance? When the energy bodies vibrate with the ultimate cosmic frequency, when poise is reached amidst chaos, but, the transcendence happens by respecting the mutual negation of order/disorder within a framework of beauty which which is implicit in the design of being-awareness or existence itself. – JRC

The Feminine Sensibility, JRC, 2023
Chanel and Inflorescence, JRC, 2023
The Lotus Collector, JRC, 2023
Swirling Beauty, JRC 2023 (Reading Through Rodin, Klee and others)
Angels and Flowers, JRC 2023

Day 4 of Saradiya Navratri: Exhibition IV- Paying Obesience to Mother Goddess, Devi Kushmanda in the Form of a Cosmic Egg – The Natural Spontaneity of the Cosmic Spin

Spinning and twining

In the starlight ballroom

We came forth as innumerable beings resonating with her energy

We crawl back into the womb

Where silence sleeps in the beauty of her being

A radiance in the void, her luminous steps

Who could write or express gratitude?

For love is One, across all planes of existence

Like child nourished by the seraphims

We have found the paradise in her Self.- JRC – on the 4th of Navratri, the aspect of Mother Parvati worshipped is Devi Kushmanda. As the name spells out, Kush meaning small, usma meaning energy and anda meaning the cosmic egg. To sum up, she is the one who created this universe like from a cosmic egg with her smile. The plasticity of the smile is the cause of the multitudes, she is ever worshipped for wellbeing and strength of all sentient beings, she nourishes them all, she is the creatrix of this creation.

4th Day, The Creatrix, Devi Kushmanda

Day 3 of Navratri 2023: Exhibition III: Invocation to the Mother Goddess, Devi Durga through her aspect of Mother Chandraghanta – Half Moon Luminosity of Peace and Tranquility

The whole idea of celebrating Durga Puja 2023 which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Festival in Bengal, was to go back and forth in time, to recollect art from the aborigines, and, tribes of Australia, India, South East Asia, Tibet and South America, Scandinavia, and, merge them into a new template based on pure non-dual consciousness where cinema, poetry, art, photography and other forms of self expression including music and modern science can be put together as nodes in a network (cluster) which are forever connected like the structures of neurons in the brain – the microcosm to macrocosm within that structure where symbols are the carrier of our collective unconsciousness – the journey in the discovery of the SELF, not Soul, as described in the Upanishads – a quest from ignorance to knowledge – a process of creative evolution for humanity. On the 3rd day of Saradiya Navratri, Devi Chandraghanta is worshipped, one of the aspects Devi Parvati , with half-moon, signifier of blessings for peace, harvest and tranquility. These qualities, inherent in humanity as potential or possibility, needs to be invoked, and realised through her blessings connecting with planet earth in a meditative conscious way.

India-US integration
India-France Integration

Joy Roy Choudhury, Artist
Good artists walk across one or more tightropes, balancing the commercial versus the artistic, the representational versus the concept, perfection versus pragmatism, the challenging versus the desire for immediate satisfaction. Joy Roy Choudhury follows these traditions adding the challenges of music versus the visual arts, the balancing of differing cultural drivers, the modern world vers

Comments: Wim Borsbom, Researcher and former Teacher, Archeology, Linguistics, Phonetics, Understanding of Brahmi Script , Netherlands: “You should have exhibitions… Your art is of course unique, but more than that, it is ultimately expressive TO the core, AND expressive OF the core of what is conveyed by your drawings — evocative to the max without any words alluded to or needed. Where it is symbolic of seemingly hidden messages, meaning comes through immediately… meaning though, that even if one tries to put it in words, surpasses any language. Your portraiture is radically “true” to/of the person depicted, “raw” (in the best sense of the word), free from judgement, embellishment or idealization…I value your art highly.”

Comments: Jeff Ross, Director and Founder, UK Skills and former Founder of E-Assessment Question Conf London:

Joy Roy Choudhury, Artist
Good artists walk across one or more tightropes, balancing the commercial versus the artistic, the representational versus the concept, perfection versus pragmatism, the challenging versus the desire for immediate satisfaction. Joy Roy Choudhury follows these traditions adding the challenges of music versus the visual arts, the balancing of differing cultural drivers, the modern world versus the classical.
How refreshing to find an Artist willing and able to take these dialectics on and resolve them.
Influences abound from the visual arts and the musical world, but here in his work is a fascinating insight into how those contentions can be shown, discussed and elaborated upon. Here is confidence in handling the ideas. There is a sureness of touch that says much about his understanding of both the process and the outcome. Each work interests, excites and then satisfies the eye.
A welcome discovery and addition to the pantheon of Artists.”

The Self-Inclusivity of Art in Defining the Moments Crystallised in Time: The Radical After-Thought of the Schrodinger’s Cat

Comments and Reviews of this present exhibition:

I’ve Made up my Mind: Bob Dylan’s Rough and Rowdy Ways Through the Gateless Gate

They are great artworks, it was nice talking to him about his thinking process, I am glad they are underway, wonderful.” – Msako Shine, famous Japanese Ink Brush Artist from Osaka

“Joy mingles the raw flair of rock and roll with the esthetic timbre of classical Indian art forms.” -Dirk Geysels, Belgium

“A poetical symphony of sacred symbols woven with the un- factoid fashion form illustrations .” – Dr. Madhu Khanna, Scholar of Indic Studies and Tantra, Author of several books and Art Historian, Director Tantra Foundation


The Fourth Tibet Awareness Programme arranged by Ganasamannay, Kolkata at Budge Budge Technological Institute

Under the able leadership of MS Ruby Mukherjee, from Ganasamannay, a not-for-profit social welfare trust based in Kolkata, the Tibet Awareness Program took a different turn in the city with participants from Universities and Technological Institutes taking part in the history of Tibet, it’s plight for freedom, the present context in its relationship with India and the World, and an understanding of a non-violent way of activism using compassionate dialogues as shown by His Holiness, The Dalai Lama to take the cause forward, however, the difficult the road ahead may be.

Activism is an important aspect of upholding human rights and freedom, for citizens in the world. In China occupied Tibet, the circumstances are dire, and, consequential in a sense that soon children will be taken off from their own cultural and linguistic roots, and, a hapless world will have to witness that. Europe, or, the US, which is predominantly a champion of social rights and activities, have been muted and cowed down by the pressure China has applied on them, the financial power and the rapid growth of technology have dissolved all the ideals of human consciousness which we are so proud of – from Tagore to Einstein, from Descartes to Sri Aurobindo, from Milarepa to Foucault to Nicholas Roerich and Romain Rolland- the study of compassion and human faith towards itself have never before gone under the scanner such as here and now – it is to time to awake because human unity is not a sum of its parts put together.

Youth is a force in the Void – Mahakal

MS Ruby Mukherjee, Ganasamannay, Kolkata
Tibet Parliamentary Delegation from Dharamsala
Tibet Parliamentary Delegation from Dharamsala
Swamy Antar Himalay from Osho Ashram

The Adi Sesha Winding and Unwinding that creates the real time projection of space-time architecture

The piscean moon
In a heaxogonal bubble
Has now become the lake where the fishes swim
In the tri-junction they have evolved to become the reptiles

The Dance of Freedom, Artwork by JRC, 19th Aug 2023

The salamander is basking in the sun
Adisesha uncoils into differential equations to become the calculus of happiness ….Ananda is Ananda in the Sri Hari tattva of Shiva
Let the Mother shine through the way
A dimensionless point is the meta- origin of all origins
The knower and the field collides in the bindu
The receptacle of the tortoise in the seven hooded reason of consciousness, have become the bipedal vertebrae
The way of dissolution in the timeless coil, is the way to maha karuna
Buddhas may come and go
Samsara floats in the void , it is the churning Ocean’s alter ego
Therefore you must not seek to seek
Through the sound of my flute you should empty your mind
Remove the doubts that obscured the sun
Revive in the retrograde, mankind’s primeval awareness
One day in the Bach’s minuet you may find one singular playful note
That you can ride on to comb the sky
In the twilight of photons you may understand the diamond cutter Sutra
Vowels and consonants are asleep
They may alter positions, combinations, relations
They become your dreams in cinema Paradiso
They become the green thumb of your omniscience
And you wake up forever
All that you have dreamt is coiled where you are right now
You should sing lullabies to the moon and the stars
They too will sleep in the dark chamber where thought is no more
where time disappears but not your awareness


Sri Narayana and Sri Laxmi with Adi-Sesha
The seven hooded serpent (Adi Sesha)

The Opening of the Heart and Maha Uddharan Lila (The Great Salvation towards understanding 🙏 the meaning of “Sentience”)


Open your heart, I am coming home….

15th August 2023, 151st Birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (not meant for light hearted ones!)

Roger Waters Amused to Death played on acoustic

দেশ ভাগ
আর হঠাৎই জেগে ওঠা দাবানলের মধ্যে
তলিয়ে গেছে প্রাণ সমুদ্রে
বৃষ্টিতে ভেজা কাগজে অক্ষর পড়া যায় না
দেখা যায় না ক্ষণ তারিখ
শুধু উপলব্ধির বোঝা টানতে টানতে এতদূর পথ হেঁটে আসা
কেউ কি ভেবেছিল একদিন এমন হবে
মাদুর বিছিয়ে সাঁঝের বেলায়
আলোর শেষ রশ্মিকে অনাবৃত করবে এই ঘন অন্ধকার
যেখানে জোনাকির লন্ঠনে দেখা যায় চিঠি,হস্তরেখা আর পাইল করা ফাইল
কবে কোথায় ঘটেছে বিমান দুর্ঘটনা
মহাকালের রথের চাকা সৃষ্টির প্রারম্ভে কালচক্রের ঘূর্ণনকে বেঁধেছিল প্রভুর ভাগবত সত্য
বন্ধুর জীবন
জগতের আলোড়ন
আর মহা উদ্ধারণ
নদীর পাড় সোনাব্যাঙের ডাক
চালতা তলায় কে?
If this a theatre
Then we must dream the actors on stage
Careful with that Axe, Eugene!
If this is a cinema then we must
dream a better script
The fallen flower never rises to the branch
সময়ের ঘড়ি থেমে থাকে না
সময়ের সাথে চলা পথিকের দর্শন
কেউ চিনবে না
জানবে না
জানতে চায়ও না
ঠিক তাই কারাগারে জন্ম কৃষ্ণের
The world is a prison the way you have dream it
You can call Antonin Atraud to explain
In between mirrors there are myriads of mirrors
Some escapes from the field
Other assumes the roles
When the river takes away Ophelia
Or, when helpless men, women and child are burnt alive

The River by Jean Renoir
Sri Aurobindo at his desk
The Sun rising over Tapabhumi Narmada
Divine Mother, Pondicherry
Buddha, Ravangla, Sikkim
The Himalayas
Yogishwar, Sri Kalipada Guharoy in meditation

The scarecrow was a witness
You can ask Kakbhushundi
Multiple timelines in Wheeler’s gaze can confine to a singularity point
And you will not know
And not knowing is the reality you consume
It’s perfectly surreal with a touch of Max Ernst and  Rene Margitte
The plane has crashed
They look for documents in the archives
They look for records
They pay taxes
And they find nothing
And conclude nothing
In a play you can act anonymously
Androgynous liquid in the sack of moons toroidal field can breathe life into an awakened one
You call him Kuntuzangpo
You can call him the Buddha
The lotus born in the fire ether vastness
Will laugh at you tonight
Because you can’t recognise yourself in the mirror
And there are mirrors all round you
This world is a made of mirrors
Each reflecting the other ad infinitum
The last log in the diary was about No One
And you burn them as relics embedded on petroglyphs
Someday soon the birds will teach about singing
They too have a heart like an ant also dreams
And in one of its dreams you may learn your kalchakra tantra from King Suchandra (Dawa Sangpo)
– Mahakal

#independenceday2023 #independence #freedomfighter #Netaji #SriAurobindo #prabhujagatbandhu #haripurush #kuntuzangpo #padmasambhava #LotusBorn #gururinpoche #reikienergy #meditation #indian #tibet #buddha #ophelia #antoninartaud #surrealism #renemagritte #MaxErnst #futurepoetry #zen #kalchakra #kingsuchandra #shambhala #gyanganj #dawasangpop

The Tibet Awareness is Slowly Unfolding in Bengal thanks 🙏 to Ganasamannay, Social Welfare Trust

Did You Know the Flow of Time Sitting by the River Side? Mahaparinirvana and the Simplicity of a Boundless Beauty

10th Century Sculpture of Buddha showing the stages of His Life ending with Mahaparinirvana
The Hindu Cosmic Creation painting miniature
Buddhist Deity with her entourage

When you sit by the river side, when you sit by the river, silently looking into the reflections, do you feel that the cogniser, the cognised, and, the cognition are different from you? Can you separate the triad? Can you use your own being to become this whole spectacle: the rivers, the mountains, the birds, trees, and, also the erudition of the scriptures, and, books, the dharmakaya and the body of Buddha , the desire for enlightenment? Can you dissolve or take it back again into that void where absence and presence have no meaning of their own, where ownership is lost and the author is dead? What is known and what is unknown?

Does it need syllogisms – the logical supersymmetry to gaze into the monsoon clouds that will bring rice and paddy, barley and wheat, a treat for those who are living and partly living by the scholastic erudition of their own slaving ego? At dusk light, I felt the river didn’t move, the birds were almost made of glassy citrine, jade and lapis lazuli? Do dreams cross over to death’s Twilight Kingdom, the magic serpents disappearing into an ocean of timeless spaceless domain that is not contained by anything, in that profound absence the only presence of these awareness that I am Not ….kindled the light that has no shadows to complement it

Vishnu, 11th Century Vijayanagar Empire
Parvati, Granite sculpture 10th Century

Do you call it an experience? When the experiencer and the experienced and experience itself have dissolved into that no-thing leaving only scriptures or dharmakaya that are of no use unless you have lived the life of a mountain with carious teeth in an act of simultaneity with the burning forests, and, rolling of broken toys after the city was bombed again and again? Did you lend you hand to offer some daisies and carnation to the weeping child, the lonely father or to those digging up bodies in a heap of ruins? Are you the photographer of the leading daily? Are you the author of another book? Are you the one who sat by the Mediterranean and saw civilizations come and go? Are you Tiresias with wrinkled skin? Are you the Seer, the Man of the Old Mountains who has become Mt Kailash and the reflection of all birds in the lakes of Kashmir? Who are you that gave dreams and deep sleep to all these beings? Who are you that creates and destroys in a harmonious sequence that can only exist with my own existence?

The fading of its ownness started as the rivers disappeared into the ocean where the churning of the milk bacame the fire-ether vastness that produced time’s ergonomic scriptures to engage with these objects, these apparent beings….

One into the another, each collapsing into its next higher segment till nothing remained to be spoken or seen

And the story ended on its own

Children are like that….they often forget what they want to say, but, there is no confusion of words like in the Tower of Babel, the sounds were crystal like diamonds and milky white like the pearls in the memory of the river…..Do you understand before it’s understood by any Other…