The dynamic space-process that Martin Heidegger calls ‘Enchanted Regioning’: Enlightenment and ‘Thoughts from the far East’


The Pine Tree, Coronation Throne, Norbugang Chorten, Yuksum, West Sikkim

The tree blooms in spring               561

Standing before it, I

Exchanging grace

In a silent rapture

A thousand years have passed

On this ground where we live and die

The tree and I,

Have felt the wetness of the air


Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy

And the wind rushing through the pines

Megha Malhar Raga

Megha Malhar Raga, Hindustani Classical Raga, Associated with the power to bring out rains

Recollecting each and every name

Like a flame

Of the birds and stars, mountains and rivers

Adjacent to each other we stood

The skull and the wood

Green leaves and hair

Teeth and thorns

Shredded underneath this ground

Where we live and die…

listen to Raga Megha Malhar Pandit Jasraj

Holy Mother Sarada Maa

Sarada Maa

Puja antarer puja

Khuje paoyar puja

Chena achenar ei bandhan theke mukti paoyer puja

Jaha bastob tahai satya tahai ananter antar darshaner ananda dhyan

Paripurnatar akhanda jyoti te she nejeke utshorgo koriachey

Ei jyoti antarer bashoman pratik

The only symbol of an eternal deliverance

Sabda Taranga theke bodher uday

Akhyar parichay shei ananter nirbak sritir madhur saisaber bandana

Words are a process of creation of the manifest from the unmanifested sempiternal childhood

There is a field of silence called the lateral unborn field of union

Martin Heidegger called it ‘enchanted regioning’

Rabindranath Tagore and Divine Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Japan,

Rabindranath Tagore and Divine Mother, Japan, circa 1917

In Zen, it is the space of enlightenment; it is dynamic

Sahasra lahari samudrer kampane ek sroter milito pran

Sudhu theke jay nritya o tar chirantan chetona

Sudhu theke jay shei chetona phooler kushume

Jhara patar sree angane

Suryer taploke

Ba jyotshnay snighdha pakhiralaye

Meshpalak unmukto haste dhariyachey meghomallar ke

Baje rudra bina prati koshe

Er artha jagoron maha-mantrer jagoron

Sabda taranger dyoti kaler strot ke shodhon kariachey

“Mother is the discoverer of Man’s secret after he has been stripped of his machines, his religions, his spiritualisms and his materialisms, his Western or Eastern ideologies — when he is himself, simply a heart beating and calling for the Earth-of-Truth, simply a body calling for the Truth of the body, like the seagull’s cry for space and high wind.

It is her secret and her discovery that I will try to tell you.

For Mother is a fairy tale in the cells of the body.

A human cell, what is it?

Another concentration camp … biological this time?”

Or a passport to … where? – The Mind of the Cells, Satprem


Tourism supports 1 in 10 jobs, outpacing global economy for 6th consecutive year, WTTC

Travel & Tourism generated 1 in 10 of the world’s jobs in 2016 as the sector grew by 3.3%, outpacing the global economy for the sixth year in a row, reads a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).

WTTC’s Economic Impact Report 2017, which is conducted in conjunction with Oxford Economics, researches the economic impact of Travel & Tourism impact on global level, for 25 regions, and 185 countries.

According to the research, Travel & Tourism grew by 3.3% in 2016, generating US$7.6 trillion worldwide, which is 10.2% of global GDP when the direct, indirect and induced impacts are taken into account. The sector supported a total of 292 million jobs in 2016, which is 1 in 10 of all jobs in the world

Additionally, global visitor exports, which is money spent by foreign visitors, accounted for 6.6% of total world exports, and almost 30% of total world services exports.

David Scowsill, President & CEO, WTTC, said: “This is the sixth year in a row that Travel & Tourism has outpaced the global economy, showing the sector’s resilience, and the eagerness of people to continue to travel and discover new places, despite economic and political challenges across the world.

The continuous growth of our sector underlines the significance of business and leisure travel in driving economic development and job creation throughout the world.”

Southeast Asia (8.3%) was the region with the fastest growing Travel & Tourism sector in 2016, driven by the expanding Chinese outbound market and the countries own growing markets. Latin America (0.2%) was the slowest growing region. Some countries performed well above the world average, but the Brazilian economy dragged down the whole region.

The other regions registered the following growth: South Asia (7.9%), North East Asia (4.6%), Oceania (4.4%), the Caribbean (3.2%), North America (3.1%), the Middle East (2.7%), Sub-Saharan Africa (2.4%) and Europe (1.6%).

Travel & Tourism is expected to grow by 3.8% in 2017, generating US$ 7.9 trillion. This growth is slower than previously forecast, as a result of a downgrade to the global economy and a dampening of consumer spending.

Over the next decade the sector is forecast to grow at an average of 3.9% per year. By 2027 it will generate more than 11% of the world’s GDP and employ a total of 380 million people. One quarter of all jobs created in the next decade will be supported by Travel & Tourism.

Scowsill continued “The future prospects for Travel & Tourism are good, but the sector continues to face challenges. The impact of terrorism and the rise of populism pose a severe risk to the ability of people to travel efficiently and securely. The sector itself needs urgently to address the impact of growth on destinations and its own contribution to climate change if it is to be sustainable in the long term. The UN’s 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development is a perfect opportunity to explore solutions together. We look forward to welcoming delegates at our upcoming Global Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, 26-27 April where these challenges will be addressed.”

About WTTC:

The World Travel & Tourism Council is the global authority on the economic and social contribution of Travel & Tourism. It promotes sustainable growth for the sector, working with governments and international institutions to create jobs, to drive exports and to generate prosperity. Every year WTTC, together with Oxford Economics, produces its flagship Economic Impact Report, which looks at the socioeconomic benefits of Travel & Tourism on global, regional and country level. This year the report shows data on 25 regional groupings and 185 countries.

Travel & Tourism is a key driver for investment and economic growth globally. The sector contributes US$7.6 trillion or 10.2% of global GDP, once all direct, indirect and induced impacts are taken into account. The sector also accounts for 292 million jobs or one in ten of all jobs on the planet.

For over 25 years, WTTC has been the voice of this industry globally. Members are the Chairs, Presidents and Chief Executives of the world’s leading, private sector Travel & Tourism businesses, who bring specialist knowledge to guide government policy and decision-making, and raise awareness of the importance of the sector.

WTTC’s annual Global Summit brings together over 900 delegates to discuss the opportunities, challenges and issues facing the industry, while its Tourism for Tomorrow Awards recognise the industry’s power to be a positive force in sustainability. This year’s Summit will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, 26 – 27 April 2017.

Annebeth Wijtenburg

Communications Manager

+44 (0) 207 481 6483

Every Moment of Time is Self-Contained and Quiescent- Dogen: Heidegger’s Waiting and the ‘Releasement’ (*Supramental Descent)

Krishna Puja

Krishna Puja German Lithograph circa 1930

“A branch of heaven transplant to human soil;

Nature shall overleap her mortal step;

Fate shall be changed by an unchanging will”.

– The Book of the Divine Mother, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo

Radha Krishna Playing Holi with Companions

Radha and Krishna Playing Holi with their companions

Martin Heidegger once said ‘we are to do nothing but wait’

Rabindranath Tagore and Students, Santiniketan, 1929.

Tagore with Students in Santiniketan circa 1929

Waiting with an openness of being                20161223_112622

Without any fixed notion or objective

This is a kind of everlasting transcendental openness

With an immense joy one just waits….

Waits and waits and waits…

The song of the universe wells up in the heart

And the myriad colours at the core of one’s being

Attuned to the pure consciousness

Lights the lamp to kindle a billion stars

This is a supramental descent

An act of grace but not by any individual effort

A supraconscient release of the plenum existence

Into an ocean of bliss


Mantra written by Sri Aurobindo in 1927

Kali Da With Garland

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy

Satyachaitanyer matrikore

Anander Utshe bashoman ek pradip

Baye jaay pratiti khane maha-sunyatar shei chanda

Jar nishpap dhani hate prashobito habe ei maha-bishwa

Sudhu pratikhyar alo phutiye tole agamani barta

Ek adi-anadi bairagya adorsho….


Sonajhuri Forest (Acacia Auriculi), Santiniketan, Birbhum 


Dogen’s Dimensionless Points as ‘Moments of Awareness’ in a Non-Durational Time Axis: Existence as Supra-Causal Enlightenment of the Un-Born

Philadelphia Museum of Art Collections Object Shiva Carrying the Dead Sati

Lord Shiva Carrying Sati circa Bengal Patachitra, 19th Century, Philadelphia Museum of Art Collection

“The Final Chakra is Niralambasthana which consists of an infinite series of lobes, colours, matrikas, devas, worlds, it’s considered as the Highest seat of the Gurudeva”. ..Beyond this series there is a set of 20 voids and the Final Liberation takes place in the Great Void”. -(Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj)


Kalida in between the Lights

YOGISHWAR, Sri Kalipada Guharoy

Void(n)……Chidakasha (Super-Implicate)—–Chittakasha (Implicate)—–Maha-Kasha (Explicate, Space-Time Geometry)

Babaji Maharaj pic

Maha-Avatar Babaji Maharaj


Lord Krishna on a White Lotus ZEN DOCTRINE OF NO-MIND called the MIND/Buddha Mind/Zen Mind/the ‘Self’/the Void










The New Year isn’t anything new

Vaishnodevi Navratri Festival

Sri Vaishnodevi during Navratri Festival

Time doesn’t move

Lord Vishnu on Garuda

Lord Vishnu on Garuda

It only stops at dimensionless points

Giving rise to awareness of a timeless plane of existence

Every moment there exists this Shiva-wall time

Talk time, walk time, running time, rowing time, golf time and zillion other moments of awareness

They enact the drama of the world unfolding the flow of its empty source

He stood as if there was a life-time of being in the stillness of gyrations

Static dynamic ensemble of the clothed desires of life, reveal the nakedness of being

He tears the ravaged body flashing light unto flesh and bones

Death is the sonorous mystery singing the joy of breath (prana) through the interface of mind and matter

Who stood there silent and strong?

sri caitanya maha-prabhu

Sri Caitanya Maha-Prabhu

Fearlessly quiet like a shadow in a dream

Rising to meet the vision of one’s plenitude

Darkness the abode of the blessed light

Blinded by the passion of its intelligence forgets the empty nature of things

Who is there standing alone?

Carrying the weight of a heavy heart

Broken by the cry and scream of the spirits alive or dead

Who is there living alone, carrying the mangled body of his lover?

Who is and not?

Lithograph Advertisement of Kali Cigarette, Calcutta Art Studio, C1885-1895


Lightning flash

The Hindustan Times Coverage of Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo report in the Hindustan Times 6th December 1950

And thunder roaring with gusty winds

That takes away the hollow from every reservoir

With every drop there is replenishment of the soul

The bird is flying

Silent crawls deep into the abysmal depths

The fish gleans across the golden horizon

A moment that awakes to another moment is forever new…

Garva Khetre taranger janma budhoday hate

Budhoday hate utsho koti nakhatrer karon deho (causal-body)

Maha-karon deho maha-moner lalat shikha

Adi ananter ek divyya rajani sahashra koti atmar ek milan sthal

Hari Om Tat Sat

Jay Om Maa







Spin in the Torus and the Higher Aesthetic Value of Art in Spiritual Development of the Human Race: 11th Century Dancing Ganesha Idol from North Bengal, Asian Art Museum, Berlin

Dancing Ganesha sculpture from North Bengal, 11th century AD, Asian Art Museum of Berlin (Dahlem)

Dancing Ganesha sculpture from North Bengal, 11th century AD, Asian Art Museum of Berlin (Dahlem)

Doors Handbill for June 15th 1968 Concert at Sacramento Memorial Auditorium

The Doors Handbill for June 15th 1968 Concert at Sacramento Memorial Auditorium

“The flowers depart when we hate to lose them;

The weeds arrive while we hate to watch them grow”– Dogen 

“But beyond and above this intellectual utility of Art, there is a higher use, the noblest of all, its service to the growth of spirituality in the race….Spirituality is a wider thing than formal religion and it is in the service of spirituality that Art reaches its highest self-expression. Spirituality is a single word expressive of three lines of human aspiration towards divine knowledge, divine love and joy, divine strength, and that will be the highest and most perfect Art which, while satisfying the physical requirements of the aesthetic sense, the laws of formal beauty, the emotional demand of humanity, the portrayal of life and outward reality, as the best European Art satisfies these requirements, reaches beyond them and expresses inner spiritual truth, the deeper not obvious reality of things, the joy of God in the world and its beauty and desirableness and the manifestation of divine force and energy in phenomenal creation….Therefore Art has flowed in two separate streams in Europe and Asia, so diverse that it is only now that the European aesthetic sense has so far trained itself as to begin to appreciate the artistic conventions, aims, and traditions of Asia. Asia’s future development will unite these two streams in one deep and grandiose flood of artistic self-expression perfecting the aesthetic evolution of humanity….Art can express eternal truth, it is not limited to the expression of form and appearance…All human activity reaches its highest and noblest when it succeeds in bringing body, heart, and the mind into touch with spirit…What Nature is, what God is, what man is can be triumphantly revealed in stone or on canvas.” – ‘The National Value of Art’, Sri Aurobindo

Why are there beings at all, instead of Nothing?”
― Martin Heidegger, Introduction to Metaphysics      



Stillness mirrors ecstasy

The gamma ray pulsars spinning prodigiously

Sending signals back in a loop

Sculpting in time

Out of wood and stone

Images or forms that vibrate with celestial beauty

Through an interlocutory medium

Plastic and sensory

Intuitively mobile

Movements of the discreetness of matter

That are felt by thoughts

And hearts connecting to stillness in nature

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy in b/w the Lights

                   Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guharoy in b/w the Lights

Originating the playful dance of Ganesha

Over nano fibers in the torus stretching to the origin in the omniverse

Intelligent circuits coded in sound

Giving rise to Skills – Spatio-Kinetic-Integrated-Language-Levels (both Verbal/Non-Verbal communicative techniques)

That present humanity must develop

As the tendency of the highest mind to break optical illusions

And become only the photon to be sensed by the Void

Swallowed by the gravity in the black hole pool

To be on the other side (Imaginative Hyper-connective Vessels – Frinctuon of Adi Chinatamani Stone)

Leaving Hawkings’ super-translations as a trace on the event horizon

Though with low resolution

For the phenomenal world to read

And ponder upon…


Soulful Reality of the Sacred Land & Chaos on the Edge of Eternity: Bubble-Foam Extrohan Realm and the Supreme Realization of the Waking States of Super Consciousness

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Soulful Reality of the Sacred Land & Chaos on the Edge of Eternity: Bubble-Foam Extrohan Realm and the Supreme Realization of the Waking States of Super Consciousness 

Oljanui olkhakos olmui pamo

Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj and Srimat Anirvan

Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj and Srimat Anirvan

Neihrutjahrehar olfamos

Sagirutma soukheous danzib

Being in the timeless void emanating from

Being out-of-time in time panorama

Switching in and switching off frequency vibrations

Far distant from a galactic point to earth’s axis mundi

There were letters stored in the cuneiform

Reason’s corpus is too small for this ontological plexus

Information is passed on as data structures in geometric concaves

Mind connects with ivi-ova000.0001-supermind

Mind connects with the Supreme Virtual Meta-Linguistic Consciousness Field (The Avahoman Plant – Jung’s Key constant carrier with Wittgenstein Light-Rod Spectral Ray) (Cray-Fish Cosmic Information Circle)

Bubbles of protean self cognizing agents of the Lord says

Being expresses its innate being-ness by self eliminating all its attributes from that primordial origin negating even the transcendental interplay of ying & yang as one solid singularity till it attains feelings that engender white work of the vertebrates against the fabric of unknown dark energy and matter to resolve the crisis of the heart and the meanings that were lost since historically the human brain was designed to receive only certain frequencies and was unresponsive to others by the crude play of chance and fate – there is the Yohingo-Altair space station waiting for you – man is now on his way to become the Creatrix but by the right action which we call the Dharma of all sentient beings in the creation

The way to knowledge is the way to the technology of quantum consciousness

God, indeed, didn’t play dice, nor did Bohr or Einstein, Dirac and Ramanuja

Like little Buddha in the soul enwrapped Heidegger

Summer Triangle: Deneb-Altair-Vega

Summer Triangle: Deneb-Altair-Vega

He is on the way to meet the Super-Soul…

Through the Light in the Light the Light was greater than the Light-Darkness interplay

From mere abstractions the mind constructed the fabric of reality

First he heard the sound emanating as OM: a timeless ripple from the navel flooded the void

Light-cone emerged, the photons interacting with the neutrinos pulsating

Weva-weva-hyuninongo-kal jumping through the stargate Shambhala

In return, the Lord promised the transformation of the world

Dlorerufi1/3 silence end chaos-on-the-edge-of-eternity




The Existential Logic of the Creation on the Solar Vertices of the Time-Pyramid by Application of Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Boxet-Card Series, Samij Datta 2012

The Existential Logic of the Creation on the Solar Vertices of the Time-Pyramid by Application of Pauli’s Exclusion Principle 


The night follows its offspring like the horse its filly

A thick patch of grass was covered with snow

The mountains looked like the old castle of Kafka

In some boutique shops they bought some flowers for Heidegger (existence is a non-being virtue of time in a hexagonal pyramid spending its ‘eternity’ within 7 vertices from Monday to Sunday)

And Roland Barthes looked like a silly clown dressed in bells and rags

A comedy of errors was translated into a perfect play of many possibilities

Who draws phenomenon into the quantum differentials of a polygonal time?

I will so I see therefore I hear and touch and do
the rest

Psychic responsibility allows balance of mind to testify the present personnel of the creation

The ‘body politic’ is in tatters; around the horizon the sun transmitted chemical messages via the synapse

The light is the shadow of the ghost walking in the midnight sun

Maha-Kalki unyam-oanim fibre on zingauva imyadh itro

The cross beams distant light years travelling into worm holes

A point configures the complexity of matter within the deuterium

Black line purges the road to heaven; the Shepherd is the fermion-disc of the wavihoman circle

Brahman is Brahman as one in one to be one after many zeroes attained the liberty of time.

– Joy Roy Choudhury