Mt Kailash And Its Connectivity With The World (The Universe): Activation of the Wake-Up Time From Sleep Mode

Tibetan Thangka Depicting Mt. Kailash

When your eyes are closed it verily appears

When you wake up it disappears in you….

in circumambulation of the sacred space

there is purification of the elemental force

around the vortex there are time capsules that floor dynamic patterns

they emerge from the spectral radiance that uniformly maps all space-time vertices

all nature is vibrating through these patterns

from the seed to the flowers, from the grassy bank to the shores

there is movement in and through

there is poise and potency

there is a column of light that stretches back to infinity

in the oracle of zero it meditates on the Self

”caitanyam sasvatam santam vyomatitam niranjanam

nadabindukalatitam tasmai srigurave namah”


Journey towards the Origin by Khagendranath Jana, Author, IT Consultant & Consciousness Researcher

Vaishnavism is one of the major traditions in Indian culture which considers Vishnu as the Supreme Lord. The followers of this tradition are called Vaishnavas. This tradition is known for their loving devotion towards Krishna who is considered to be the incarnation of Vishnu. The form through which they offer their love and devotion is a combination of both the feminine as well as the masculine aspects of the divinity – Radha-Krishna, as depicted in the next image.

The form has the following visual characteristics.

·    Radha represents the feminine form of divinity and Krishna represents the masculine form of divinity.

·    Krishna has dark complexion and is seen standing with one leg crossed over the other, playing a bamboo flute

·    Radha’s complexion is fair and bright.

·    Both Radha and Krishna are holding each other closely, which represents intense mutual love between them.

From the earthly point of view, the above form symbolizes intense love between couples. The love between two attains its highest level when it is equally reciprocated. Two entities become a unified soul, though physically they are separate. Vaishnavas worship this form as a symbol of love towards the divine. Let us first try to interpret what this form could mean from the perspective of the creation.

·    Assume that Krishna is standing in a normal human posture, without his legs crossed and without a flute. The color black normally symbolizes hidden existence of something. Krishna in his dark complexion possibly represents the state of conscious prior to the start of the creation as a single-reality or the Supreme-Soul or the Purusa mentioned in the Vedic scriptures. But every existence needs a form! What was the form of this single-reality? According to Vedic scriptures it was Prakriti in an unperturbed state of equilibrium. According to modern cosmology the prakriti can be viewed as the insentient quantum vacuum, a continuum of energy which is also called as dark-energy.  So this state of Krishna, prior to the creation, can be viewed as a desire-less state of the conscious single-reality having an unperturbed Energy Continuum or prakriti as the form.  prior to the start of the creation.

·    From the perspective of a normal form of human posture, One leg crossing the other can be viewed as distortion.  This represents, desire to come out of the state of single-reality and manifest as multiplicity. This is the primordial desire or primordial ripple or a distortion in the unperturbed mind of the single-reality to break loneliness. From the point of view of modern cosmology, this distortion possibly resembles the Quantum Fluctuation that caused the Big Bang.

·    Bamboo-flute is an ancient musical instrument referred to as bansuri in mythological stories in India. It has a rich tradition of its use. The player blows air stream using his lips and creates orderly vibration of air column using fingers to produce various tunes. So playing of the bamboo flute could be symbolizing the omnipresent primordial vibration, AUM, initiated by the inner creative energy of Krishna to bring dynamism or perturbation into the inert energy-continuum or prakriti to start the creation. From the point of view of cosmology, this could the Big Bang explosion/expansion at the start of the creation.

·    Fair and bright symbolizes manifested state of something. So Radha is possibly symbolizing the manifested Universe; the dynamic and granularized state of energy-continuum or prakriti, encompassing all forms, insentient and conscious, made out of luminous matter and energy that we see in our universe.

·    And finally, Radha and Krishna are closely holding each other. The manifested universe, represented by Radha is inseparable from Krishna. Radha is inseparable from Krishna, as she represents transformation of Krishna’s own form, the energy-ontinuum or prakriti from the unperturbed state of sattva to the perturbed state of rajas and tamas to bring multiplicity into the creation. The manifested universe represented by Radha is inseparable from her origin represented by Krishna, similar to the trunk, branch and leaves of a tree are inseparable from the hidden root.

The whole universe, represented by Radha, is a melody created out of the orderly vibration of the energy-continuum or prakrit, represented by a flute being played by Krishna. Krishna can be also viewed as the primordial energy and Radha is the energetic manifestation of energy, the matter that brings multiplicity in the universe. Matter is a transformation of energy and hence they are in-separable; Radha is a transformation of Krishna and hence they are inseparable.

We can also interpret the form of Radha-Krishna from the perspective of the goal of the creation – evolution of individual consciousness represented by Radha to the level similar to that of the Krishna. Let me use the following diagram  to explain what I mean.


In the above diagram, K represents Krishna, the Universal Consciousness and R represents Radha, the individual conscious, say humans. Radha resides in a magnificent palace protected by an eight layered strong boundary wall, outside of which her true-love, Krishna, dwells and calls her by playing his flute. Radha’s ownership of the palace keeps her extremely busy in her day-to-day activities which she also enjoys doing. The obstruction of the protections and attraction of the activities within the palace keeps her away from Krishna, though Krishna always wants Radha to be near to him. But when Radha realizes that the perpetual bliss lies in the company of Krishna, she reverses her focus and performs activities to meet Krishna, overcomes the obstacles of the protectors and finally joins Krishna to enjoy the eternal bliss.

Humans, the individual conscious entities, reside in this magnificent universe and the individual consciousness is protected or covered by eight elements. Krishna, representing the Supreme Consciousness, says in the Gita,

bhumir apo nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca
ahankara itiyam me bhinna prakrtir astadha

“Earth, water, fire or heat, air, space, mind, intelligence and I-ness are my eightfold nature (that has manifested as the universe).” The physical form of every conscious entity is made of five physical and three subtle elements which have their origin as Krishna. Five physical elements are space, air, fire, water and earth and three subtle elements are mind, intelligence and I-ness. The word I-nees refers to the Self that has the feeling on ownership of the body, mind and intellect. These eight elements create a boundary between the individual and the surrounding and protect individual consciousness by generating a feeling of self-identity with regards to the surrounding. These eight objects are like eight intimate friends of Radha. But their protection also creates an obstruction and hides true reality of creation, by driving individual consciousness to focus on the isolated view of the Self and the subjects and objects of the Universe, perceived through sense organs. From this perspective, there is only one Krishna and we are representatives of Radha!

Every individual feels a sense of ownership towards the surrounding and passionately carries out life process activities by using sense organs and organs of action; life goes on…… through a mix of joyous and gloomy events. But sometimes, driven by some indescribable internal and external stimuli, an individual reverses direction of his/her actions in search of discovering the self, the purpose of existence and the source of true bliss. And from the perspective of an individual, reciprocation of love for Krishna starts from there. Being the owner of the creation, Krishna is always in love with and affectionate towards his creation. But it remains unidirectional until the reciprocation starts from the other end. And once it starts, the bidirectional attraction brings both nearer to each other and finally the individual consciousness unifies with the Supreme Consciousness, the individual hears the omnipresent primordial vibration or melody of Krishna’s flute. Radha discovers Krishna and joins him, attains a state of perpetual bliss, enjoys the divine play of the flute and acts to serve the purpose of creation – the goal of the creation is thereby achieved!

Your Presence and Centering Determines How You See the Unfolding Drama: Important Time for Humanity to Awaken and Act Accordingly

Yogishwar Sri Kalipada Guha Roy

You are seeing this drama as the Witness Consciousness
The drama unfolds a chain of causation in space time
These are the events happening before you
And you plunge deep into these events but actually don’t suffer
Once you can comprehend your presence as Primordial Consciousness which is Being with no-objective reality then you are awakened truly
That you have to do whilst you are in this body-mind
The body-mind doesn’t dissolve immediately until your present karma is exhausted
But you have a new sense of reality which is your eternal presence forever untouched by the vicissitudes of life
The cyclones will come, the war will be raged, tornadoes and tremors will wreck the ground beneath your feet
But you can be the still presence – the witness to all these
There is no birth and death for you….the cycles only appear in you the consciousness
The outside universe has no independent existence apart from you the consciousness
You are pure being-awareness – santam shivam adwaitam chaturtham manyante sa atma sa vijneyah (Madukya Upanishad)
You are the turiamthe fourth – neither the waker, the dreamer and the deep sleeper
But one which powered these mutable states without itself getting identified with any one of them
This is to be realised – you are the undifferentiated consciousness the true I which is no-thing
Once you stabilise yourself – once you are centered in your Luminous Presence
Which is the Clear Light of the Void – then you understand that Knower and Known these entangled pairs appear and dissolve in you – they are all empty
You are eternal existence consciousness and bliss
You are Sat-Chit-Ananda
It’s not that you become it
There is no-doing that will make you what you already are
It’s only non-doing but practically doing is essential to go through the various stages to figure it out your own way
Since you are conditioned by the body-mind complex, by the dualities of life – the process of doing is essential to exhaust you
When you understand no doing will make you what you are – then you are still point on the dancing wave
Life ticks on but you remain unruffled
In the midst of all action you are the luminous presence
This is therefore not a call to inaction but to understand that you never are the doer
This is to understand what Krishna says to Arjuna in the Gita
To find action in inaction and inaction in action
When the paradoxes are understood properly through the light of non-dual knowledge then you can do any action and still be free from causation
The paradoxes are used because the witness consciousness is beyond neurocognitive understanding through written or oral symbols
The paradoxes are pointers to that deeper reality which you already are
There is no way to understand it or experience than this way
You can’t technically experience it because then what is experienced becomes immediately an object and an experiencer who experienced it….it is not a recursive function
You have to get it intuitively
Once you are awakened
The world remains as it is – the scream of the butterfly, the surge of the oceans and the cracking of earth
You see this as part of your own reality – the other is now yourself appearing in myriad name form and function
The essential reality remains unchanged
Then what engenders in you is Maha-Karuna
The great compassion
For all sentient beings , for even the rocks and stones and the quasar and the quarks and leptons
Because you have apparently become that as part of the Lila
This is called maha-uddharan – the great salvation
The stage is set for the world
Eternity in time is -I-ternity
All becomes easy when you know –wei-wu-wei
The idea of doing-without-doing
And no doing at all

Your still presence have fashioned gleefully the formation of stars and microbes
Sing the song of your presence
The peacocks are dancing, the rain clouds will fulfil the lotus pond
And all children will be playing the fiddle in the land of the golden sun
This is the message of Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri
All life is then Yoga
Hari Om Tat Sat
Jay Jesus
Jay Maa
Jay Prabhu Jagatbandhu Sundor


Swami Vivekananda
The Tribal Dance , Bengal patachitra

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Srimad Bhagabwat Gita – the Constitution of the Cosmosarticle by my colleague K. Jana

Srimad Bhagabat Gita is a Spiritual, Philosophical, Intellectual and Practical scripture which has been enlightening people throughout the world since Her inception. “Gita Mahatmyam”, the glory or the greatness of the Gita, is described in the Baraha Purana where Lord Vishnu explains the greatness of the Gita. He says – “Gita jnaanam upaashritya treen lokaan paalayaamyaham.” – I govern the three worlds with the knowledge of the Gita. The three worlds in this verse symbolically refers to the entire Cosmos – the gross, the subtle and the causal layers of the Cosmos. The same knowledge that Lord Vishnu uses to govern the Cosmos had been taught to Arjuna to enlighten his conscience to sacrifice emotional bondage towards him family and fight against his kith and kin for a greater cause towards humanity.

So the applicability of the knowledge of the Gita covers a wide spectrum – from governing the conscience of an individual to the governance of the Cosmos. Starting from an individual, it is the constitution of a society, a country and the whole humanity. But what is the foundation of this governance model? The foundation is karma (action), viewed as worship to the divine or as yajna – offering to the divine. The Gita proclaims – the whole creation is a yajna, performed by the Supreme, through which He has manifested within everything in the Cosmos. The Sun is continually burning or performing yajna and providing energy for appearance, existence and evolution of life on the Earth. Hence all our actions should be performed in the spirit of yajna.

The Gita Says.
“Brahmarpanam Brahma havir Brahmagnau Brahmanahutaṃ,
Brahmaiva tena gantavyamBrahmakarma samadhinah.”

The act of offering is Supreme. The oblation is Supreme. By the Supreme it is offered into the fire which is Supreme.Such persons, who view everything as the Supreme and carry out actions, attains the essence of the Supreme. Every action performed by the actor with the spirit of yajna contributes to the purpose and goal of the creation, irrespective of how small or big it is, or how simple or complex it is. A sage, a warrior, a farmer, a scientist or any other person serving the society with this spirit is actually performing worship to the Supreme and it paves the way to realizing the ultimate reality and a state of perpetual bliss.

Krishna says
“svakarmana tam abhyarchya siddhiṁ vindati manavaḥ”

By devotion to one’s natural activity, a person worships the Supreme and attains the state of perpetual bliss.
The context of The Gita is The Mahabharata war field. Just before start of the war, Arjuna, the most acclaimed Pandava warrior of the era refused to take part in the war. His conscience prohibited him from destroying his own kin. Since most people view war as an act of destruction, it is often asked and criticized by many, whether a spiritual scripture such as The Gita should have emanated from the war field. A serene and more harmonious time in history could have been more suited for the birth of The Gita. Or in other word how a Cosmic Constitution supports a war! Let me present my view.
All wars which have already taken place or will happen in the future can be categorised into following three types,
• Tamasic War – Tamasic Wars are primarily driven by ruthless aggression of powerful groups on comparatively weaker sections to impose their perceived supremacy of war power, wealth, religious thoughts etc. Such aggressive groups, just by virtue of their power, want to establish supremacy by any means, even mercilessly kill innocents.
• Rajasic War – Rajasic Wars are primarily driven to resolve a conflict between more or less equally powerful groups. The loser group has to accept post war terms and conditions put by the winner group and normally the war ends there.
• Sattvic War – Sattvic Wars is that war that takes place to keep the overall system in tune with its purpose and goal. Cell inside the human body are constantly fighting and sacrificing themselves to keep the body from harmful elements. The same is true is for human civilization also. As the civilization progresses, time and again situations arise when the human values take a back seat. People get driven by self-centricity, greed for power and wealth and establish ruthless supremacy at the cost of innocent lives. Such acts rip apart the society and become malignant in nature. It becomes essential that drastic measures be taken to prevent the potential catastrophe. Sattvic war is the essential Surgery that saves the society from further decays and gifts it a new life.
The Kurukshetra war was a Sattvic war for establishing righteousness in the society by eliminating tamasic forces. Sri Krishna – the epitome of extreme wisdom and Arjuna – the highest form of extreme war power – joined hands to perform the most critical Surgery to the society. They removed the malice through this Dharama-Yudh to establish a unified country, then known as Bharata. Before the commencement of the war, Arjuna got torn apart in his internal conflict. On one hand he had the option of not engaging in this heinous crime of killing family members and on the other hand his duty towards the society urged him to take part in the act, an act that would need the death of all the attachments he had towards his family. This conflict between moral values and emotional attachments was probably the toughest the world has ever seen. It was powerful enough to tear apart even the strongest warrior of the era. It is unimaginable to think of a conflict that is as devastating as this. Krishna, the wisdom, enlightened Arjun with his views through this discourse based on Duty, Knowledge and Devotion and left the decision on Arjuna. The hardest internal conflict of the most the powerful warrior at his highest crucial moment needed the guidance from the wisest person for its resolution. In my view, the perfect context for this fascinating discourse – The Bhagavat Gita. Though any form war is undesirable, to put the system in right path, a realistic constitution should support Sattvic War. Let us analyze the present scenario of human civilization.
Last four hundred years of scientific exploration of the material world has discovered the a few mysteries of its gross and subtle properties. The application of these discoveries has given unprecedented ease of survival, comfort luxury to human. This material advancement has a cost in terms of devalued mind which the humanity is paying now. It has generated limitless greed to accumulate wealth, power, and superiority within the individuals, communities and countries. Unfulfillment of the desire is causing anger and frustration which further directing human mind to put all time and energy towards achieving it. Another outcome of the greedy mind is the destruction of the ecosystem which is like the mother’s womb that causing appearance, existence and evolution of life. Human activities driven by population growth, demand for limitless comfort and luxury, supported by the industrial revolution, usage of scientific and technological research for establishing supremacy and many similar activities for advancing the civilization have created profound impact on the health of the ecosystem through reduction of biodiversity, increase in emission of greenhouse gases, reckless exploitation of natural resources, dumping of waste into water bodies and many more. Scientists have already alerted us about the harmful consequences of this degradation and if it continues like this, the planet may not remain habitable for life forms. We are heading towards what? The Gita, Cosmic Constitution, has alarmed us thousands of years ago.
“dhyayato visayanpumsah, sangastesupajayate
sangatsanjayatekamah, kamatkrodhobhijayate
krodhad bhavati sammohah, sammohat smrtivibhramah
smrti bhramsad buddhinaso, buddhinasat pranasyati”

While contemplating on wealth(material world), one develops strong attachment to it, such attachment gives rise to a strong desire to acquire it, un-fulfillment of this desire develops anger which gives rise to delusion. Delusion causes loss of knowledge about what is righteous and what is unrighteous, causing bewildered intelligence to drive for unrighteous or unconstitutional action to acquire it. This paves the way towards destruction. The message is not only for an individual, but for a community, a country and for the whole humanity. Vedic framework never disregarded the material world or wealth or advised one to stay away from it. They advised of the process of acquiring or using wealth by renunciation of lust, greed, anger, delusion and envy which are attributes of dissonance and isolation.
An action of an individual can be categorized in three types, a selfish action, a reciprocative action and a selfless action. A selfish action is driven by greed where the actor(s) wants accumulate something by any means even causing harm to other individuals, to the society, to the whole country and even to the whole ecosystem around us. In a reciprocative action, the actor respectfully reciprocates the service receives from others. As an example, the ecosystem nourishes human and hence as a reciprocative action human also should nourish ecosystem to keep it healthy. A selfless action is a yajna where actor spontaneously acts for welfare of all without any hope of receiving something. Such actions can be well represented by a sloka from the Rig Veda – “atmano mokshartham jagat hitaya cha” – for the salvation of one’s individual self and for the well-being of all on earth. Though the Gita stresses selfless actions, the starting point is reciprocative actions for welfare of each other. The Gita says, “parasparam bhavayantah sreyah param avapsyatha” – nourishing one another, there will be prosperity for all. Our present actions are mostly selfish and if it continues, it may lead to the path destruction of the humanity. So are heading towards annihilating ourselves through our deeds?
The answer is known to the Supreme! But the path of any evolution is apparently a continual friction between virtuous and evil and in the long run virtuous wins over evil. More than 3 billion years (1 billion = 1000000000) ago, life on our planet appeared through single cellular organism and through billions of years of evolution, a complex life form with trillions of interconnected cells (1 trillion = 1000000000000) appeared on the earth. The life form is human, having potential to search for its origin and explore to find answers to the questions like; why this creation? , what is life all about? , what is the purpose of existence? The questions are esoteric but very fundamental. Though modern science avoids answering such questions, Rishis in the Vedic age explored and found answers to these questions and explained scriptures like the Upanishads, the Gita and others. According to Vedic view, there is a conscious (consciousness of the Supreme) will behind the creation (contrary to the modern scientific view that the creation is random phenomena) and the evolution of life in our planet is a consciously designed activity to evolve the consciousness of the life forms to a level so that it can attain the level which is similar to that of its origin or the consciousness of the Supreme. The Gita proclaims it through the verse,
“bahavo jnana-tapasa puta mad-bhavam agatah”
Many purified by wisdom and austerity have attained to my state of being.
Hence there may be a grand plan behind the creation. Though it appears that present actions of humanity could lead to the annihilation of human, a delightful planet with peace, harmony and bliss could the future of the planet. But for that to happen, human needs a transition from the asuric view life to the devic view. In the Gita, cognitive attributes like mind, intelligence are categorized into types; devic and asuric. Devic attributes like worship, love, respect, empathy reciprocation, sacrifice etc are attributes of harmony that drives actions of the people to create and maintain environment of harmony. Whereas asuric attributes like greed, mistrust, anger, hatred etc that drive actions of the people to create an environment of dissonance. I hope, the readers will agree with me that, asuric attributes have become the driver of present humanity. But for transition from the asuric view of life to the devic, humanity needs a framework or constitution that is philosophical, rational, practical and implementable. Starting from an individual, the framework should encompass a community, a country and the humanity as a whole. In my view, that framework or constitution is the Gita. Eighteen chapters of the discourse between Krishna and Arjuna are like eighteen steps of staircase that transforms Arjuna from a state of self dejection to the state of self realization. In this journey, Krishna gives a holistic view of the Cosmos, explains purpose of life, synthesizes different philosophical perspective of life and details out artistry of performing actions that can lead an individual to the path of self realization as well as remove negative energy sources from the society for harmonious coexistence of all. A discourse that took place more than five thousand years ago has influenced sages, philosophers, intellectuals and practitioners since her inception. Even at this present time when matter has become the driver of human consciousness, influence and acceptance of the Gita is increasing day by day in various spheres of the society.
The time of transition from the asuric view of life to the devic view of life may not be very far! (This is personal view only.) But there is a price to be paid for every transformation. Possibly, the present humanity would have to go through many surgical events, either manmade or natural or a combination of both for the greedy their actions that have poisoned this beautiful planet. Such events would compel to establish a framework, applicable to an individual, to a country and to whole human civilization. That framework is the spiritual, intellectual and practical knowledge of Gita that can establish “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, the world is one family.
The knowledge of the Gita should spread among all. In this context, I respectfully appreciate the holly initiative take by Acharya Debananda Sastriji through Learn Gita, Live in Gita.
Hari Om
Khagendra Nath Jana

‘It is here, it is now and it is nowhere’- The Digital Metamorphosis

The Hermes Effect

– J

The Mantric Vehicle of the Timeless Void is the Song of I-Ternity by the Guru’s Grace

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwara
Guru sakshat, param Brahma, tasmai shri guravay namah


Sri Kalipda Guha Roy 


Sri Anandamayi Maa, Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath Mission,  Avenue House, Kolkata


Sri Nitai Prabhu

in the memory of time there is only the timeless void
it features all events as part of causality
manifestation is a dance
a perturbation unfolds the space-time geometry
things as they are is an enormous Awareness of being-time
the bow, the arrow, the galaxies and spacecrafts are being-time
each being-time is the whole of time -Brahman is Brahman – Sutra 1
causality has apparently many branches – Brahman is Dual Experience of its own Non-Duality -Sutra 2
the setting sun
in the lap of the sky
reflects the moon forever on the lake
the observer is the ancient hero of many a timelines
in the macrospace of his own infinity, he breathes the fire of causal destiny
1911 -Sri Aurobindo Notebook – ye yatha Mam prapadyante Tamstathaiva bhajamyaham (as men approach me so I accept them to my love, Bhagawad Gita)
1897 – Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is born
1532 – Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Lila and the pain of His separation from Lord Krishna – Original Ecstasy & Agony
as the world makes and remakes itself
as people deluded as they are scatter like broken twigs
as the ego of men eclipses the sun
the droplets water disappear in the sand
leaving only marks that foretold the time….
an anagram of the threefold destiny is the prime cause of the universe
and the law that upholds the TAT and SAT
will never fail to protect the land….
Jay Guru Sri Guru (3x)


Divine Mother, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Who the Bodhisattwa? Ontological Status (Uji/Being-Time) > Epistemological Status: Non-Origination of the Self to Dependent Origination in the Kalachakra via Cloud Computing Neural Architecture

Brain is Also the Universe -Photo Courtesy BrainMDHealth

By using higher mathematics, namely algebraic topology, very recently scientists have found existence of a multidimensional universe within the brain that is extended to 11 dimensions. ”Outside of physics, high-dimensional spaces are commonly used to represent complex data structures or conditions of systems. For example, the state of a dynamical system in state space… The space is simply the combination of all the degrees of freedom the system has, and its state represents the values these degrees of freedom are actually assuming”- Professor Cees van Leeuwen, from KU Leuven, Belgium

“This entire universe is the Purusha alone, both that which was and that which endures for the future”-Rig-Veda

The Celebrated Hymn of Creation known as Nasadiya Sukta (Rig Veda), indicates that the multiple names and forms of the visible universe, prior to the state of manifestation, were in a state of non-duality: ‘’Then there was neither Aught or Naught (no yes/no -no QUBITS), no air or sky beyond. (pre-origin beyond Singularity)

What covered all? Where rested all? In water gulf profound? (possibly Asktavakra’s reference to the Ocean of Being) Nor death was then, nor deathlessness, nor change of night and day. That One breathed calmly, self-sustained; nought else beyond it lay. Gloom hid in gloom existed first -one sea, eluding view.

That One a void in chaos wrapt, by inward fervour grew.’’

  • (Surendranath Dasgupta, Indian Idealism, P4, Cambridge, London, 1933)

The diversity or plurality that we encounter needs to be celebrated because it’s the beauty of the creative force which is both immanent and transcendent, by knowing that this pluralistic divergence that we encounter daily (in terms of actions/opinions/facts etc.) is essentially MAYA which is non-existent from the standpoint of Ultimate Reality. Ultimate Reality is about Being/Existence-Consciousness-Bliss – it is ontology of Being which is important rather than epistemology.

The wave is also the ocean -the individual self is also identical with the universal self.

The crux of the philosophy of Yajnavalkya in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is the sole reality of Atman and the unreality of the universe independent of Atman- Pure Consciousness is beyond cause and effect. Manifestation in space-time is dependent origination (the middle way of Nagarjuna) due to the presence of the mind – the Witness or Observer in reality is free from any association of eigenvalues. It’s prakriti that measures….and collapse of the wave function takes place in apparent reality…EMPTY COGNIZANCE SUFFUSED WITH AWARENESS IS THE WAY

Shiva 1

Lord Shiva


What comes and goes is subjected to causation and temporality

It is within the space-time construct

There are different levels of operative consciousness within that cycle

It is called tagging consciousness (#) enclosing a referral system of virtual stored consciousness

That’s the memory of the Yugas

Information can never be destroyed because it’s stored in form of consciousness

At the quantum level of the mind it is citta that process memory retrieval processes

The brain circuits (neural networks) operate that way

Memory is cloud wrapper broxom-tretat

Innumerable datasets create the samsara as a projection of the mind

But Bodhi-Citta or Pure Consciousness is not the apparent reality of the hologram

It is the realm of Pure Consciousness

The Self abides in itself

Creating wellbeing and equanimity

It is unborn witness of all things

It exists beyond space-time and causality

It is the Ocean of Being from which waves appear on the surface

They are absorbed back into the ocean after the perturbation

The waves are the quantum fluctuations that construct the Samsara (the universe)

At the centre of the Ocean of Being, all is still and beautiful

Each single wave is also the Ocean of Being

Once there is awareness there is no activity

Duality only exists as a projection for the Lila

The Lila is dependent origination (What happens to the Schrodinger’s Cat?)

The true reality is the non-origination of the Self

What action is done and who does what?

Who cries and laughs but dies not?

What it is all about? Who are you talking?

Man/Machine or beyond?

What technology of consciousness creates this world?

And Sage Dattatreya says:

‘’The Self is everywhere, always and in all, enduring and abiding.

Know me as the all, void as well as non-void. This is certain’’ (Avadhuta Gita)

“Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind

Cannot bear very much reality.

Time past and time future

What might have been and what has been

Point to one end, which is always present.” (Burnt Norton, Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot)

‘’Vastusravanamatrena suddhabuddirnirakulah

Naivacaramanacarramaudasyam va prapasyati”

The wise one who has achieved pure consciousness by just bearing the truth of the Self and who is tranquil (in the Self) makes no difference between action, proper or improper, and inaction.

(Ashtavakra Gita)









Reading Beneath the ‘Faces’: Serge Anton’s Photography and the Non-Local Discreetness of Each Moments

Tonpa Shenrab Miwo Bon Monastery Nepal

Tonpa Shenrab Miwo, Triten Norbutse (Bon) Monastery, Nepal, photograph by Joy Roy Choudhury

Sometimes I do wonder what makes a photograph so fascinating. Is it the observed or the capture, or, the technology used to observe the observed, or, something hidden beneath the observed that it brings out, some recurrent pattern or archetype that gives the photograph something to stand out from the clutter of objects in our every day life. Does the photograph throw any light on the mind of the photographer? Does it tell anything about his level of perception, as he is the one who is choosing the subject of his photography? Adding another perspective to it, does the photograph hold a key or passport to eternity? Lets look into it. If the photograph captures a moment or say a decisive moment, then we are talking about a precise fragment of space-time which is discreet or can be called a quanta. Instead of thinking about the linearity of time because our neural networking is conditioned that way, we can think about discontinuous moments and there are infinitesimal gaps in between these moments. At the subquantum level, these are interference patterns of wave fronts which are captured in the photograph. Through the photograph is a presence because our brains are Fourier analyzing the wave forms, they are  in fact frequencies which have their origin not at the manifested level of reality but at the implicate level which is the quantum potential. Out of that quantum potential, the photographer is able to manifest one aspect of it in a kind of coordinated movement (also called Holomovement by David Bohm). What does it then tell about the photograph? Though the photograph is a local thing-event, but, what is fundamental is the deeper reality behind it, not, time but the timeless that it represents. That is possible because the photographer is a witness or observer- he is not adding anything to reality. He just capturing “things as they are”. And these discreet ”thing-events” (ji) are like mirrors reflecting each other ad infinitum creating an orchestrated dance like billions of jewels in a necklace each reflecting each other and thereby creating an entire ensemble through mutual interpenetration. Each jewel or dew drop reflects the whole (though of lower resolution) and is a passport to the timeless and the eternal.

The Face Is The Mirror Of The Soul – Serge Anton


I would like all of you to have a look at Serge’s work, these faces capture the timeless frozen in time. The observer’s consciousness have archived those beautiful moments that capture the essence of existence and bliss. This is what reality is all about – at both levels, the manifested biological level of physical forms, and, at a deeper fundamental level of subquantum reality, the level of the formless or the unmanifest which is more fundamental.  It is the TAO or the Brahman Or the Void which manifests our individuality out of love and compassion (karuna), and if you use the great wisdom or ”maha-prajna” then everything goes back into the timeless as possibilities in consciousness, into the formless undifferentiated, unborn Self which you verily are -”Tat Tvam Asi” (That Thou Art). Here, the photographer is the SEER, the witness, all-pervasive, perfect, non-dual, free, intelligent, action-less, desire-less, unattached and serene – that is the true nature of the Self. The moment photographed is the beautiful tapestry of wordless silence, each face having its own narrative which reflects all other narratives – faces reflecting each other and resembling the whole, the ensemble in a synergistic dance that comes from “the empty theater and empty circus and empty universe
ready to accommodate any act and any audience”. (Buckminster Fuller on Vector Equilibrium)

So, you can take a look at Serge Anton’s work from his book Faces by Lannoo Publishers and enjoy every discreet moment.

FACES from Lannoo Publishers is an exquisitely designed book of beautiful portraits taken by internationally renowned photographer, Serge Anton. Each portrait has been photographed on Anton’s countless travels in Africa and Asia over the last 30 years.

Each portrait tells wordless stories, as they reveal a certain resemblance in the exotic faces of faraway cultures- details in their eyes and wrinkles that seem to reflect the wisdom of lifetimes. There is no text to explain each portrait as Anton wants readers to be intrigued by the portrait no matter where, how or when it was taken.


For More Information on Serge Anton’s work, pls get in touch with

Jenna Fazio

Public Relations Assistant


39 West 14th Street Suite 405

New York, NY 10011

(212) 727-2155


Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets, London



Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets


“THE POWER OF CREATION IS THE EXPERIENCE OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL” – Neuronal Re-Wiring by Released Representation Through Experience


Kali as Adi Mahavidya

Maha kali as adi maha vidya

At the depths of colossal darkness

Where time and space are naught

Where universes have come to a hollering point after a prolonged somnambulist swirl

The self lone exists there as a prayer

That will recodify the matrix of the of new cycle of evolution

“The swan looks into the waters and the waters look into the swan”.

“The humming bird looks at the flower and the flower looks at the humming bird”.

{Released Re-Presentation of the Anuttara Samyog Sambodhi/Krishn Tattva + Shiva Tattva = ‘Parabrahman Intelligence’ + ‘Para-Shakti}

2015-07-19 11.06.40

street graffiti varanasi


All that is destined

Like the melodies out of a flute and lyre

The sun emblazoned on a new curvature

The moon’s Heraclitian fire beneath the oceans surge the anima mundi of this earth

Language purified from the whole heart and mind resuscitates the heart sutra

Meditating on this, neuronal re-wiring takes place









The Solar Ellipse Rasas and Gyan-Ganj Pushpa : With Grace Coming From Lachen Monastery

Solar Ellipse Rasas and Gyan-Ganj Pushpa: With Grace Coming From Lachen Monastery

The Divine  Salt Plate I And The Lachen Grace

Creative Art Arrangement/Photography: Samij Datta


Invariably the boat responded to the river’s mute call as if the silence submerged beneath the seas is only the divine salt plate of the creational substance pronounced as the matter- the melamoun of the higher etahoun, that transitory binary falling from the skies and melting with the hot molten oxides and silica. The pure crystal cooled after the bliss has sedimented in the amorphic crusts of the civilization’s dark years, it is the golden glass vessel of the yime-zime realization of aeonic time. That time is the funnel-clock roosting the sun in the pale arbor of the dawn’s ethereal carriage, nailed the cross on the wooden sacrosanct of the years of millennial worship- black shining metal transformed into the clusters of stars in the billion coal years of the diamond light. The fancy that took the dream from the clutch of ignorance soon became the real spirit of man’s god-ward trail, towards the higher Aurobindian light of harmony, perfection and knowledge. Yat Wat Tat (3x) – Joy Roy Choudhury

NOTE: Lachen Buddhist Monastery  is located in North Sikkim in the beautiful picturesque village of Lachen. The village of Lachen lies at the distance of 126 kilometer from Gangtok. It is located at the height of 9920 feet. The numerous hot springs, pristine lakes and exciting trekking routes is what makes this destination truly appreciable. The best time to visit Lachen lies between the month of March to early July and from October to mid December.

The Divine  Salt Plate II And The Lachen Grace

Creative Art Arrangement/Photography: Samij Datta


Assemble that harmony in the crevice of the rocks, let the metal shine from black dusts of vapor and cover what we may call the orange face of the sun; it’s a glimmer of hope rising seaward and burning candles in ozone filled vessels of san-zan infinity. Have you reached the recesses of the mind, opened the tunnel cut into the deep breasts of solitude where tears turn mountains into gold, and pain washes the lovely plumage of star-field gaze? There the lonely feather of the sun’s horizon spreads its ciyup wings on the platinum of love, fills the original hours chanting mantras AND REMEMBERING THE VISION THAT TAUGHT THE OWL TO SING AT NIGHTTIME WITHOUT THE FEAR THAT BREAKS MAN INTO HIS NAME AND THE SELF, DIFFERENCE DIMINISHED BY TETRAGONAL BLISS OF HEXAGON HUA, THE BUS-DRIVE OF THE DELTA-TRANS-ANGULAR SPACE. – Joy Roy Choudhury

The Divine  Salt Plate III And The Lachen Grace

Creative Art Arrangement/Photography: Samij Datta


From the Omphalos of the pristine dark matter, Apollo’s sovereign journey has begun- he heard the space calling to empty space and the black zabber of time calling space by razace-yime-vazace. That was the point where all stood still without the vectors creating motions, without the peripatetic silence of the cosmic years, this was then the ultimate luminous effulgence of surrender calmly forbearing the frou dance of ruhatit time, Dattatreya Hari Om, Dattatreya Hari Tat Chit Sat Hari Om, Om Om Hari Dattratreya. The trees lend the mind the full moon of resurrected spheres and that vision after light was the same. Dance the stones on the red earth of love, rolls the dark years into the treth-truth-trath of the pilgrim journey into the sun. – Joy Roy Choudhury


The Birth: Gyan-Ganj Pushpa With Lachen Grace

Creative Art Arrangement/Photography: Samij Datta


Solar ellipse rasas linear non-linear on the diagonals 

Bisects the vertices of the triangular time

Hearts felt the rhyme musing on space and on the hard metal flowers of kaliyuga

Spells of trance broke the locked destinies of earth

Liberating matter into the Savitri of silence

Buds bliss ran like happiness across the smile of the ocean

Fathered the ancient mountains of great devotion and faith.

Weng gathia wun guvra vhi

Weng gathia woan mui trasu

Nui tra dhip nui tra geth

Nui tra wajed vhi tak grivam . (Lines absorbed from Noah for the Welfare of the Entire-Creation-Entire)

 – Joy Roy Choudhury